Track Eight: The City

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Ashton sighed as he stepped off of the greyhound. He was finely in the place he now called home.

He had left his real home, against his parents wishes, to see a producer.

Of course, the producer made him come out - then decided his voice was shit.

So, he he was, walking up to his lonely apartment.

He stomped up the stairs, shoving the key in the hole and opening his door.

He scanned the tiny apartment, he was standing in his home, witch was just a bedroom. It was so small, that it was just a bed and a mini-fridge, a small crappy tv, a microwave, and a small bathroom.

He sulked over to his bed, sitting on it and opening the mini-fridge.

He only saw beer. He was not going to get drunk tonight, he was trying to be sober.

He wanted milk, and Oreos. So, he got up and waddled down to the street.

He looked both ways before bolting across the street, going to the small dollar store.

He stepped into the shop a small bell ringing, to see Luke - a teenager himself, behind the counter.

"Hey, Luke." Ashton grinned, going over to the snacks section, and getting a few Oreos packages.

"Hey." Luke sighed.

"What's wrong man?" Ashton raised an eyebrow at the boy who had became a friend.

"Nothing, just my parents threw me out last night. Don't got anywhere to go."

"Oh wow, why?" Ashton picked out some whole milk.

"Cus I'm broke and because I'm gay." Luke said, rolling his eyes.

"Your gay?" Ashton had suspected this, but he was still remotely surprised.

"Maybe." Luke muttered, grabbing the milk Ashton had set down on the table and scanning it.

"Well I can't have you sleeping on a park bench. You can stay with me tonight, if ya want." Ashton handed him the Oreos.

"We could have a party? Ya, the two of us and the Oreos. Big fun." Ashton smirked, taking back the Oreos after the blonde scanned them.

"Well, if you don't mind me, then I'll be there in an hour." Luke couldn't pass up a place to stay.

"Good. I'll see you then. You know where I live." He chuckled, exiting the store and again running back across the street to his home.

Okay, maybe the boys both had a little reason to get drunk. Maybe they had been disowned by they're parents - and both struggling with work.

"So," Luke hiccuped, after he downed the fifth can of beer.

"What's your sexuality?" He giggled, getting closer and closer to Ashton.

"Hmm, i donno. Never really tried guys." Ashton shrugged, raising an eyebrow at the boy who could not hold his booze.

"We'll, my sexuality was straight until you came along. God, your sexy, Ashy." He giggled, now inches away from Ashton's face.

"Oh..." Ashton said, shocked.

"Mmmm." Luke hummed, before slowly pressing his lips against Ashton's.

Ashton didn't know what was happening, but he found himself kissing back and slowly wrapping his arms around the tall boys waist.

Luke suddenly pulled away.

"My sexuality is Ashton."

Ashton laughed at the drunk boy, grabbing him and laying back onto the bed.

"My sexuality is Lukey." He whispered, before he heard a huge snore escape Luke's lips

I love this song and this story tbh

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