S1 Episode 6: A Patch, a Modem, and a Zantac

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Description: Sheldon goes on a mission to disprove a NASA representative who dismisses his science.
Sheldon, Georgie and Y/n were in Science where this guy from NASA was talking. Y/n and Georgie were at the back  whispering to each other when Sheldon raised his hand and the teacher sighed. The Dr of corse let him speak.

Sheldon: If you want to save money why don't you land the booster rockets instead of letting them drop in the ocean.
Dr: That's a cute idea but it's not technically possible.
Sheldon: Why not?
Dr: Well. It's hard to explain. The math is pretty complicated.
Sheldon: Perhaps I could help you with it.

Some students started laughing as Georgie straightened out and Y/n sighed.

Y/n: Oh here we go.
Dr: I bet you could. I bet you could. I'll tell you what. Here is a NASA patch. Why don't you have your mom sew that on your book bag. Now! Who here wants to know how astronauts go to the bathroom?

To which everyone in the classroom, including Georgie and Y/n raised their hands. Everyone except Sheldon.

And from then on Sheldon set out to prove the NASA guy wrong. Before he ended up with an ulcer and yet the boy figured it out. From then on he tried to get in contact with NASA. Failed. So here Sheldon was, waiting for a call back from NASA. Y/n sat on the other couch looking at the incredibly smart boy so mopey.

Y/n: Man, seeing the little smart ass  stare at that phone all day kinda makes me wanna beat NASA's ass.

As soon as she said that George came from the kitchen and told everyone that their going to Houston to talk to the guy at NASA that tried to shut up Sheldon with a patch.

Georgie: I don't understand why I have to come?
Missy: Neither do I but what choice do we have?
Y/n: I'm more questioning why I had to come. I'm squished in between you and Sheldon, can't you move up a little Georgie!?
Georgie: Can but I won't!
Y/n: I swear I'm gonna-
George: You better shut your mouth there in the back, I'm trying to drive.
Georgie: Ha!- AH!

Y/n elbowed his side making him groan in pain. She slightly smirked and winked at Missy when her muffled giggles were heard.

Georgie: It's not funny that really hurt!
Y/n: Awe! Boohoo. Want me to kiss it better?
Georgie: Can if you want.
Y/n: Shut up before I do it again.
Georgie: Two kisses? I'll take it- AH! Seriously!?

She did it again. No kisses were awarded to Georgie... yet.
Y/n Pov:
Georgie: I'm bored!
Missy: Me too!
Y/n: When can we go?!
Connie: Hey. Someday somebody's gonna write a book about Sheldon. Don't you want there to be a chapter about how loving and supportive you three were?
Georgie: Doesn't matter. I ain't reading it.
Y/n: Unless it's got pictures, I don't care.

Mary and George just looked at each other as I stared at the ceiling wondering why the hell I had to come again?

Y/n: Why'd I have to come again?
Georgie: Shut up- AH! That's three kisses now.
Y/n: In your dreams, Cooper.

I slouched back in my seat only to flinch when Sheldon came out the door.

Sheldon: We can go now.

And we left...

Georgie had decided to walk me home which was nice and we spent most the time messing and joking around. We stopped just outside the stairs to my door and I turned towards him.

Y/n: Thanks for walking me home.
Georgie: Pleasures all mine. See ya tomorrow.
Y/n: See ya tomorrow.

I heard his footsteps start to walk down the drive when an idea popped into my head.
Y/n: Hey Georgie! Wait.
Georgie: Yeah? What- mhmm.

I pulled his lips down to mine. He finally processed what just happened and went to kiss back but I pulled away. I grinned before walking back up the stairs to my door.

Georgie: You still owe me 2 more, L/n!
Y/n: I'll get back to you on that, Cooper!

And with that. Georgie got a kiss and Y/n got to go home. But let's just say both wanted that kiss and maybe a lot more.

Sheldon got to prove that dr NASA guy wrong. All was right for the coopers for now and one L/n.

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