Chapter One

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Star's POV

My name is Star Fischer. I'm not like any ordinary human but, with powers. There are more like me, but, we're all in hiding. I never knew that I had powers, or that I was adopted. I was just a normal teenage girl when my friends started to notice weird things about me. My eyes changing different colors, reading minds, talking to other people with my mind. I also found out that my friends were keeping secrets from me. Who knew that vampires, werewolf's, fairies, ogres, and all of the mythical creatures were real and finding out that my friends were those things. I wasn't mad or anything, but they did tell everything. But first, let's get to the part where I'm just plain and boring.

It was dark outside. I was in my room just laying on my bed. "Time for school Star!" my mom said from the hallway. "Mom, I'm sixteen years old. I don't have to go to bed right now." "You have school tomorrow, I don't want you to be cranky in the morning," she said coming into my room and turning my light off. After when my mom went downstairs I got out of bed and closed my door. I walked to my window and looked outside, the stars were out and it was windy a little. I love looking out my window to see the stars twinkle. I went back to bed, I laid there for awhile until I fell asleep.

My alarm on my phone woke me up, it was only five o'clock, but, I got up anyways. I put my favorite black jeans on, along with my white shirt. I was putting on my makeup, when my friend Katherine called me. Katherine has long brown hair, hazelnut eyes, and she loves to wear her black boot heels. Katherine and I met in seventh grade choir. We have gotten along really well since then. Katherine was always there for me when my dad left and when my mom started to drink. "I have news, about a really cute boy," Katherine said over the phone. I rolled my eyes when I was fixing my hair, thank god she wasn't on face time. "Blake Taylor's Gram Pix is blowing up!" Katherine said. Blake Taylor, super hot senior, has short brown hair, brown eyes, and has a really nice smile. I've bumped into him a couple of times, he's really polite. "Blake Taylor is going to ask out a girl to homecoming, but, he's too scared."

Katherine picked me up and we went to school. I looked out the window to see the football players acting like idiots, like always. When I got out of the car, Katherine said my name, "Star watch out, the idiots are pulling up." "I hope they crash," I said walking to the front of the school. The football players were all standing in front of the school doors. "Hold up! The Queen is back and she is looking more hotter than ever!" Jacob said blocking mine and Katherine's way.

Jacob has black hair, green eyes. He's on the football team. He has a really huge crush on me, he acts tough when he's around me, but, we all know he's weak. "I'm not a Queen," I said looking at Jacob. "Move we'll be late for class," Katherine said. "What's the password," Jacob said. "Get the fuck out of my way..., please," I said walking towards him. Jacob put his hands up and moved to the side. The rest of the football team moved with him.

 "Did you put contacts in?" Katherine said trying to look at my eyes. "No, why?" I said opening my locker. Katherine's dumb friends were yelling and pushing people out of their way. "You guys need to chill out," I said closing my locker to face them. "I'm sorry my Queen," Alex said. "Stop calling me 'Queen' before I kick your ass!" I said.

I hate learning but, I love to write. My teachers made me take a bunch of notes, but, I didn't really care.

Katherine came up to me with a big smile on her face. "Blake and his friends were talking about you." "So, I don't care," I said walking through the gym doors. "Good morning everyone, my name is Mr. Keith, I will be your gym teacher. Starting tomorrow, we will get started on football, make sure you bring your gym clothes. Today is a free day," Mr. Kieth said.

Katherine got a volleyball, and I got a soccer ball. "So, are you going to the homecoming this year?" Jacob said trying to get the soccer ball away from me. "Why do you care if I go or not?" I said. "Watch out!" someone said. I looked up to see a volleyball in the air coming towards me.

The What's Of Saturn Part OneWhere stories live. Discover now