The Wall Falls

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Tormund Giantsbane and Lord Beric Dondarrion were on the Wall with the Night's Watch rangers and the Wildings. So far everything was peaceful, though everyone was on the alert for any White Walkers. It took them days to recover from their near-death experiences from their White Walker Hunt led by their friend Jon Snow, but they still kept their alert for them.

Everyone on the Wall heard a lot of ravens making a lot of terrified noises. They followed them to see flying above very quickly, as if their lives depended on it. They looked down to see not only did there ravens coming out of the trees of the Haunted Forest, but so did the White Walkers themselves. It looked like the entire army was there.

"Clear out!"

Tormund, Beric, all the rangers and the wildings with them saw a different group of soldiers running past them. They had never seen this army before.

"Clear the Wall!" the leader yelled.

"Who the fuck are you?" Beric asked.

A soldier stepped in front of his leader. "Behold Eomer, Son of Eomund, King of Rohan."

"Rohan?" Beric asked. "From Middle-Earth? Have you come to invade?"

"We have enough problems here and kings and queens here trying to control us without you –"

"No!" Eomer snapped. "We are here to help you. Lady Stark of Winterfell sent us."

Tormund's eyes widen. "Lady Stark?"

"That is correct. She sent a raven to Gandalf the White for help against that army down there. He has asked us and Gondor from Middle-Earth to assist him in this fight. By Gandalf's orders, we are here to clear everyone from the Wall."

"We can't go anywhere," Beric said. "We must keep those bastards down there as long as we can."

Eomer and his army looked down. The White Walkers had stopped moving.

"They've stopped moving," Tormund said.

"Now's our chance." Then Beric turned to the rangers. "Archers, to your marks! Do not listen to these Rohan assholes!"

As the archers went to their positions, ignoring Eomer and his soldiers' protests and attempts to hold them back, they froze in horror when they looked ahead. It was the Night King himself on the dragon Viserion. Everyone was too stunned to move or to think what to do. Everyone that wasn't from Rohan.

"Everyone, leave!" Eomer roared at everyone. "Get moving!"

Everyone, including Tormund and Beric, didn't dare to argue with the King of Rohan.

"Move! Run!" Tormund roared at the top of his lungs.

"Arm your bow and arrows!" Eomer yelled.

"We can't kill them with just arrows!" Beric yelled.

"But we can slow them down and buy everyone more time to leave!"

As everyone kept running to down the levels to leave the Wall, everyone armed their bow and arrows and fired at the Night King. He wasn't dodging them as much as they hoped, but at least he didn't make Viserion breathe fire... yet.

Then the Wall started to rumble and crumble. Everyone stopped to see the Night King was finally making Viserion breathe blue fire onto the wall.

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