Choosing the New Monarch

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Everyone took their seats in the Winterfell council room. The people from Westeros sat in the left-hand ones while the people from Middle-Earth sat on the right-hand ones. Gandalf was the only one that didn't sit down as he went into the middle of the chairs.

"I know this is a very unsettling time and we have lost many of our beloved families and friends," the wizard said, "but the sooner we sort out the future monarch of the Seven Kingdoms, the sooner they will get repaired. Does anyone want to say anything before we start?"

"Yeah, I have something I want to say." Bronn stood up from his chair. "I know you lot from Middle-Earth have just helped us win a great war against those evil bastard monsters and I'm just as grateful as any fucker here, but how is sorting out the new monarch of the Seven Kingdoms any of this your fucking business? And how do you have the authority to call this meeting?"

Sansa stood up. "They came at my request. I didn't ask them to come here just to help us defeat the Night King and the Army of the Dead. I asked them to help us keep an eye on Queen Daenerys and help us choose the next monarch of Westeros. While most people here couldn't put their differences aside or swallow their pride to fight the Army of the Dead, our friends from Middle-Earth did all of those things while they fought the War of the Ring. I wouldn't have invited if they couldn't."

"How do we know they're not part of your ploy to help you become Queen of the Seven Kingdoms?" Bronn demanded.

"If we thought that, Ser Bronn," Gandalf said, "we would not have come to help her or every lives in these kingdoms."

"Everyone from the Seven Kingdoms owe all of their gratitude to these good people of Middle-Earth," Sansa said. "And because of their good and generous deeds, I and House Stark will always be an ally to them, even if the next monarch of the Seven Kingdoms will not."

"And the whole of Middle-Earth will always be in an ally to House Stark," Gandalf said, "whoever the new ruler will be. That is the only thing I ask all of you to consider while you choose the next monarch."

The wizard sat down with his Middle-Earth friends while he let the Westeros people make the tough decision of choosing the monarch.

"Let's not forget we do have a princess here," Davos said. "Princess Shireen."

"I know I'm a princess, Ser Davos, but I don't want to be one anymore and I don't want to be Queen of the Seven Kingdoms. I just want to live with you and help people as much as I can."

"You could help people by being a good queen," the Onion Knight said. "You could use your power for good."

"And what if she becomes like her evil father?" Bronn said.

"Those evil deeds were all because of Melisandre," Davos said. "She was the one who manipulated our king to do –"

"Our king?" Bronn scoffed. "You still call that miserable bastard our king when he let himself be manipulated by that bitch in the first time? If you miss him so much, how would you and his hideous daughter like to join him?"

Legolas decided to get up and arm his bow, but Aragorn stopped him.

"Sit down, Legolas," the King of Gondor said to his elf friend in Elvish. "We only intervene when we need to."

The elf sat down and saw that Sansa managed to calm Bronn, Davos and Shireen down.

"Well, I'm not voting for either of you two," Bronn said to Shireen and Davos as he sat back in his chair.

"Well, neither of us wants to be rulers of the Seven Kingdoms!" Shireen snapped back at him.

"Everyone, let's not get too heated," Tyrion said. "Let's just focus on who should be the new monarch in this room, not the dead ones that should have been."

Everyone continued to talk about who they thought would be the best ruler of the kingdom. Many thought Tyrion would be a great king after all the good he had done and how smart he was, but he felt that he had to declined as he believed he would be a better advisor than a ruler.

Though he was a bastard, Gendry was still a Baratheon and had a claim to be ruler of the Seven Kingdoms. He declined as well because he just wanted to spend time with Arya whom he loved. She didn't want to be ruler either; she wanted to explore the rest of the world.

No one wanted to choose Bronn for king after his arrogant and threatening performance just now. Samwell didn't feel up to it and neither did Brienne or her squire Podrick. Not even Grey Worm or Missandei were interested in it. That left Sansa.

After a few more moments of discussing and finally a nod from everyone in unison, Tyrion approached the Middle-Earth people, who looked very anxious.

"Gandalf, Lords and Ladies of Middle-Earth, we have made an unanimous decision," the Lannister dwarf said.

"Who is the new monarch?" Gimli asked nervously. "Who is –" He got pulled back by Aragorn.

"Let the people of Westeros speak for themselves," he told the Middle-Earth dwarf. Then he turned to the Lannister dwarf. "Speak, Lord Lannister."

Tyrion cleared "The new monarch is..."

Pippin tried to take a bite of an apple, but it got taken away. By Samwise.

"I'm hungry, Sam," Pippin protested.

"We all are, Pippin," Samwise said. "So are these poor people here. We have to make sure each and every one of them are fed before we can have any scraps for ourselves."

The hobbits had been cooking food the ways they would in the Shire and serving it to everyone in the Winterfell courtyard. They had been at it since Gandalf took the important people to discuss the next monarch on the Seven Kingdoms, which was four hours ago. They had been hard at work without a break or bite to eat, but they kept it up.

"Look, Gandalf's coming back," Frodo said.

The hobbits saw that he was right. They saw Gandalf and the important people of Westeros and Middle-Earth coming out of the castle. They along with everyone gathered around.

"Good people of Westeros, we have finally chosen a future monarch for the Seven Kingdoms," the wizard said. "Lord Lannister will have the privilege to tell you."

Tyrion approached them. "We have discussed long and hard of this matter and we find the best choice to rule the Seven Kingdoms is... Lady Sansa Stark."

No one cheered, but Sansa didn't expect any. She expected a few jeers and boos, which she got."

"Now, I know what you're thinking," Tyrion said. "She's a woman and she had spent time with Joffery, but she didn't enjoy a single second with him. She suffered him, but endured him as well House Bolton."

That got to the people of Westeros. They started to show more respect to her.

"And if it wasn't for her, the North would still be under the rule of House Bolton," Tyrion continued. "And if it wasn't for her, none of our Middle-Earth friends would have come to help defeat the White Walkers or Daenerys."

The people of Westeros started to quickly change their minds and started to approve of Sansa's heroic achievements.

"That is why we believe Lady Stark deserves to be the next monarch of the Seven Kingdoms," Tyrion continued. "What do you say?"

This time the peoples from both Westeros and Middle-Earth cheered and applauded her. Despite all of this, Sansa didn't feel like she deserved to be ruler of the Seven Kingdoms after all the bad things she did as well as the good things. 

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