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It took two days for the contract to arrive from Utah and for those two days Amelia ignored Henry as best as she could while still doing her job. Day one was easy he was on set and she was off set going to takes in the studio with Erik. The text stopped shortly after noon and he had started to think he conjured it all up in his mind. Day two was harder, she was back on set but Henry wasn't doing takes that day. So he took the opportunity to loiter on set. It wasn't out of the ordinary as he did that often enough, but Amelia knew the real reason for his presence. She had a few near misses with him but managed to escape him that day but not before giving him stares that included a mischievous smirk. Day three she arrived on set earlier than usual and joined in on the cast workout. She usually worked out at the hotel gym or went for a run, but she needed him full attention today. He was off today too but cast work out was mandatory so she knew he would be there. They started with cardio which was fine but soon there was a lot of fight scene choreography. Amelia watched and was invited to spar with Rachel. As the two woman set up for sparing the rest of cast sat and watched. Amelia had spared with Rachel a few times so she was set to have Rachel kick her ass. Half an hour into the intense sparing Amelia had kept up her own and was ready to take Rachel down for once which she managed flawlessly. "Well done!" The trainer said as she finished the move and Rachel was down on the mat. There were cheers, clapping and cat calls for both ladies and Amelia held her hand out to help her friend up. "That was well done!" Rachel said impressed by Amelia's improvement. "Thanks! Taking you down once was the goal now I never have to come to cast workouts ever again!" They laughed as the trainer released them they chatted a bit more about life. Rachel had become a friend bonding over being working mothers and their love for baking. She was really just a working mom who happened to be in movies, or at least that's what Amelia saw now that she had befriended her. "Oh no here comes your Romeo" It was obvious to the cast and crew that Henry and her had a flirtatious relationship. No one really knew what was going on but they could see the signs and loved to tease them both about it. Rachel said goodbye before Henry reached her and she was left alone with him. "Those were some pretty good moves." He said to her the subtext of his comment was not lost on her. "Thanks, I've had practice" she said smiling at him. There was a routine to Amelia's conquest, there were always the same. She let them think they were in control and that's what she wanted. She wanted them to be in control of her sexually but that came with restrictions. It was a game she played. Her reason to keep away from Henry was to see if he would still play after she ignored him. She also wanted to know if he would take the bait and like all those before him, he did. "You've been ignoring me." He said in lower tone seductively close to her. People were still around but none were really paying attention to the pair. "I have." She said her honesty caught him by surprise. "Can we talk?" She said which confused him further. The walk to the trailer was short but almost torture for him not knowing what was coming. AS they entered they placed themselves on the couch. He looked wittingly at her for her to begin. She handed him an envelope. "What's this?" He said "An NDA and a contract." He raised an eyebrow and she continued before he could say anything else. "I enjoyed our interaction the other night and would like to come to an arrangement with you Henry. In that envelope you will find a standard non-disclosure agreement which I am sure you are familiar with. You will also find a contract and agreement with rules and expectations that you would have to agree to before we can interact again." He was very confused he had never been on the receiving end of this. Sure he had some women sign NDA's but it was never him personally delivering this, his attorney was the one doing the tracking and getting them to sign. Before you agree to anything you should read it and have your attorney read it. She stood to leave not really wanting to give him a chance to say anything so she wouldn't have to explain before he read it. She walked to the door of his trailer but turned to him before she left. "I hope you do sign, I think you would be very fun" She almost laughed at his confused and slightly angry look he gave her. He opened his mouth to say something "Amelia-" He was caught off by the closing of the door and he realized he was alone. He looked at the envelope in his hands and was thoroughly confused. A contract what kind of contract could that be? He wasn't sure he wanted to know, but against his better judgement he opened it. The first was a standard non-disclosure, the second document was far from standard. Rules and expectations were definitely clearly stated in the contract. It was a fifty shades of grey contract but much more subdued. He was not Mr. Grey and she was not Anastasia Steele. From the looks of contract she was looking for a dominant for her to be submissive with. He was shocked, it was not something he expected from her. She was not one to fit that bill at all. He was in a trance reading the contract, it was very explicit and very detailed, but the overwhelming message was that Amelia didn't want love, she wanted something entirely different and Henry knew that he wanted to comply.

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