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Ruel's P.O.V

"Can we get a Slurpee and some donuts," Mady asks. "Yeah sure," I say. We walk in and there are these kids who come running up to Mady. They seem around 8 or 9 years old. "Omg hi Mady" one of them says. "Hi!! What are your names?" Mady asks. "I'm Ella and that's Rose." the girl says. "I wanna be just like you when i grow up," Rose says. "Awww thank you. If you keep trying and trying and dont give up you will end up achieving your dream," she says. The two girls whisper something to each other. They look at me. "Mady?" They both say. "Yes," Mady says. "Is that your boyfriend?" they say cheekily. "NO," Mady says quickly. "Imma go get our drinks and food," i say and leave. That was weird. Shortly after Mady comes and helps me. "Why did those little kids come running up to you?" I ask. "I dont know? Let's get back to school quickly." She says. I end up paying for the food and drinks after fighting with Mady about who's gonna pay.

We walk in and Ruby immediately comes up to us and nick follows her. "OMG Hi guys. So where did you guys just go?" she asks. "Ummmmmmm," I say. "Uh, we went to uhh get a Slurpee and some donuts," she says. This felt like a very weird and unusual thing to Mady. Suddenly somebody's phone rings. It's mine. I have a look at the name and mouth "You answer it's you know whos dad.". To mady She takes my phone and answer. "Hello?" she says. "Umm sorry, Ruel cant answer the phone at the moment. He is at school and he left his phone at home," she says. She looks at me. "Is there something you want me to tell him for you?" she says. "Ok, all good. Yep. See you.Byeeeeee." she says and gives me back the phone. "Thank you for that," i say. "You owe me. Big time" she says and walks away. "YOU'RE SUPPOSE TO TAKE ME EVERYWHERE WITH YOU," I yell. " Ok would you like to sleep with me, brush my hair with me, dance with me and do my makeup with me?" she says. "I wouldn't mind that," i say. the rolls her eyes and i run to catch up with her. I follow her around from class to class. She seems pretty cool. Soon its the end of school. I walk out with Mady. "So what are you going to do now?" i ask her. A guy comes out of nowhere and lifts Mady up. "Ayeeee," She says and smiles. "You ready to go home?" the guy asks. "Yes. Ruel, you wanna come?" She gets down and asks me."Sure I guess." i say. "I'm Jake." the guy says. "Cool. I'm Ruel" i say. 

"Is Indiana coming to my house?" Mady asks. "Yes of course. So rude. You left me out." Jake says and pouts. "You can join if you want. Ruel will be there." Mady says. I wonder if Jake is Mady's Boyfriend. "Mady" i whisper. "Yes," she says. Thank god she is sitting in the back. "Is he your boyfriend?" i mouth. "NO" she yells. ;-;. "OK" i yell back. "I was just curious," i say. "What was he curious about?" Jake asks. "He was asking if Indiana is single." She says and smirks. "WHAT," Jake says. "I WASNT I SWEAR TO GOD. I DONT EVEN KNOW WHAT THIS INDIANA LOOKS LIKE. FOR ALL I KNOW SHE COULD LOOK LIKE INDIANA JONES." i scream at the same time Jake starts a long speech. "NO. YES INDIANA IS SINGLE. BUT SHE IS NOT DATING ANYBODY TILL SHE IS TWENTY-ONE SO IF YOU REALLY WANNA DATE HER WAIT FIVE WHOLE YEARS AND MAYBE I WILL THINK ABOUT IT." Jake says. "I DONT CARE. I LIKE SOMEBODY THATS NOT INDIANA," i say. What? I like somebody. OOF. i just moved here last week and barely know anybody. Besides Ryan. (Ryan is the guy who tried to steal). And now Jake and Mady and Nick and Ruby. Everybody is silent. "WHO IS IT" Mady screams. "Ummm," i say. "Uhhhh its a girl in our class," I say. I don't even like anybody. That's all im gonna say.


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