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I kick the tools out of his hand. They crash on the floor. He looks mad. He is the one that programmed me to have combat moves. I kick him swiftly with my foot knocking him to the floor.

"I'm not obeying you anymore. I can make my own choices." I leave before he can say a word. Now I believe he'll come after me. He probably has a tracking device in me. I shake away that memory and thought.

I stand up. I run and jump on to the next building roof top. I don't want to go back to the orphanage. But I have to before they notice I'm gone. I quickly find a shortcut through town to the orphanage. I climb up the stairs quietly on the side of the building to the window. Its open as always. I slip in. Standing there is my friend I made at the orphanage. Her name is Mandy. She has long blonde hair and blue eyes. She only one year older then me. But I look like the older one.

"Geez Lisa how many times you plan to go out before she notices that your gone!" She says shaking me. By her she means the woman that runs the orphanage. She's an mean old hag. Her name is Ms. Vender. Not married and we all know why. She hates our guts. Even without saying a word she expresses her hate through her eyes.

"Well until I get caught." I say chuckling and smirking. I sit on the edge of her bed.

"Do you have to be rebel?" She asks whining.

"Yes." I say smiling. She's like a sister to me. Since I never had a sister. And I never will.

"Do think we'll ever get adopted?" She asks looking at me.

"I don't know. Maybe you will but I'm sure I won't." I say sighing.

"Don't say that I'm sure you'll get to leave someday." She says with a slight smile. She always trys to so cheerful. Even when it seems like theres no hope.

"Maybe someday." I say spacing off.


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