A life

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I wake up in the morning with my friend hovering over me.

"What the hell Mandy!!" I say.

"Sorry." She says leaning back some. I rub my eyes. I wonder what time is it.

"What time is it?" I say looking up at her.

"10:07 am." She says. My eyes widen.

"Why did you wake me up the other girls aren't even up yet?." I say.

"Theres a family coming in a hour." She says.

"An hour!!" I say a little louder then a whisper. She nods her head. I quickly get up. This could be my only chance. I grab of what little I have.

"Lisa wait!" Mandy shouts at me.

Magical Time skip thanks to me ~ ( one hour later)

The other kids are awake and up. Ms. Vender is already down stairs with the family. The woman who looks about 23 has brunette hair and brown eyes and pale skin. The man with her looks just as young as her. He is about ' 6.0 ' feet a least has brunette hair also and blue eyes.

The woman looks up at me. She smiles. I smile back. Then the other kids rush down the stairs in their nightgowns. I never going to get a family. She will surely pick one the younger cuter kids they always do.

"There goes my chance." I say sighing to Mandy.

"You don't know that. They haven't even picked one of yet!!" She shouts shaking me. Then I listen to the woman talk to Ms. Vender.

"I want that one." She says like she's getting a dog or something. She points to me. Me? I'm I dreaming.

"Lisa she wants you to join her family!! Go get them!! " She says pumping her fist in the air. I smile. And rush down the rest of the stairs.

"Hi Lisa. I'm going to be your mother. My name is Lizzy but you can call me Liz." She says smiling. I don't know what to say.

"This is John. " She says gesturing to John.

"Nice to meet you." He says smiling.

"Well let's go home. " She says holding her car keys.

"Bye Lisa! I going to miss you!!" Mandy says sniffing and her eyes puffy red. I stare in shock.

"Bye Mandy." I say before waving goodbye.

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