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"Areum" the little girl's mother called her from the kitchen feeding her 3 years old son early in the morning as they were getting ready to go to the carnival that day . The little girl was so excited that she was skipping down the stairs and jumped into her father's arm causing both of them to giggle.

After eating and getting settled in the car, the family started their adventure towards the carnival. The kids were excited so they were singing and enjoying the whole ride to the carnival. At last , when they arrived the kids ran to the ticket counter and were waiting for their parents to come and pick them up so that they could buy the ticket and enter the carnival.

Later in the evening , after playing and eating around from the carnival food stalls ; they returned to their car, while coming back both the kids fell asleep as they were tired after their fun day out. the parents were happy that they had a nice time as whole family as their father was busy man who doesn't have that much of a free time.

While going through a dense forest area , as it was dark and no light was present they didn't see the huge tree branch fallen in the middle of the road and while trying to avoid it , the father turned the steering wheel to the other direction. Due to the sudden action , the car lost its control and crashed into the nearby tree., making the front passenger faint due to the collision

The kids both were wide awake due to the sound but the little got out of the car to look for someone to help them , as the road had no sign of a single living thing , she started to walk through the forest to see for help but fainted on the way .

After sometime the parent woke up to see their daughter missing and started to panic ; they didn't know that was last time they will see their daughter.

The little girl was found by some people who were trekking in the forest and was admitted in the hospital . As she was also bleeding due to the collision , she got concussion and forgot about who she was other than her name. Then she was taken into a foster house ; as she couldn't recall about her family and no one came searching for her.

She was alone on her own then on.....


Author's note

Guys!! I don't know how the story is going to out but I can say that there will be a lot of plot twists and turns , cliffhanger . SO STAY TUNED... for more

luv you guys

- sobhi

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