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"alright cameron, time for school, c'mon baby get up" i said putting the lights dim in her room so that her eyes wouldn't be attacked with bright light.

she moved a bit and groaned. i shook her lightly.
"c'mon, you're gonna be late. i let you sleep for an extra 5 minutes this morning" that was on accident, i didn't feel like getting up then realized it's monday and my child needs to get her education.

she groaned and got up.
"get changed, i'm going to make breakfast and i'm going to come back to do your hair. be ready"

she nodded. i left the room and went downstairs. i started making breakfast and put some music on to wake me up more. i finished doing breakfast and served them putting a cloche on top so they wouldn't get cold. i went upstairs and cameron was combing her hair half asleep. i smiled and helped her. i put her hair in a side pony tail with a braid. i curled her hair once it was in a pony tail. i fixed up her baby hairs.

"okay let's go eat" i said. she grabbed her backpack and we walked downstairs.

"bye mommy!" she said closing the car door. i waved and drove away. i was kind of bored. i went to work, nothing really out of the usual happened. no one tried to pick a fight with me or anything. People use to be not scared of me or like pick a fight all the time and ever since i became diabla everyone is scared of me for some reason. oh yeah maybe because ive caused too many deaths including the old gang leader. i'm such a fuck up. but ethan would always have someone's ass to kick. well everyone was picking on me so that's why.

my alarm went off.
pick up cami

"how was school" i said as she got into the car

"the girl i was telling you about. Joey yeah she backed off finally." she said smiling and putting on her seatbelt. "also how old can i be when i get a boyfriend"

"when your 63" i said.

she scoffed.
"why!" she whined

"why did you ask" i said

"because jackson is my boyfriend. he was dating joey but he broke up with her because she snitched on me"

i laughed. my daughter is so problematic.
"you can't have a boyfriend"


"why do you want one"

"to love" she said

i awed internally but tried to keep my mom act together.
"you can love me instead" i said

"no, i want to love a boy!"

"love uncle drew"

"a boy not a man" she sassed

i laughed. "you can love a boy when you're 15" i said

"HMMF. me and jackson are going to get married" she said

i awed internally again.
"okay baby" i said

"alright landel, your weekly protection fee is due" i said walking into the barber store

"who are you. i only take orders from cuchillos"
(aubree) (cuchillos-knifes)

i pulled on my shirt to show my tattoo

right above my collarbone in cursive righting. and angel wing next to it. his face went straight to fear. he opener the cash register and handed me a punch of money. it's usually just 40 bucks he gave me like 150. i smirked and shoved the money in my bra. i walked out and saw aubree outside.

"dumbass gave me 110 more." i said taking it out of my bra

aubree laughed.
"alright i'm doing the next one" she said we walked a bit and then stopped. i was waiting mid sidewalk since people walk around me. i watched her talk with the dude. he was trying to negotiate. i smirked. i felt someone's shoulder push against mine making me step back a bit. they dropped something.

"watch where you're going bitch!" i yelled

they didn't turn back. they had a black hoodie and jeans on. i scoffed.
"fucking bitch" i looked down and saw a flip phone. haven't seen who of those in a while. it rang. i picked it up and answered.


"hey angel"
its him.

"who's this" i said

"i think you already know who it is babygirl"
stop being naive, he's fucking dead

"hey man, quit bitching, i'm not falling for this shit"

"calm down val, meet me at my grave tomorrow at midnight. throw this phone in a sewer" he said

"who the fuck do you think you are" i said and they hung up. i looked around. i saw a sewer and threw it in. i saw aubree still inside. i walked inside.

"pass over the fucking money" i said

"i can't"

"you will" i said showing him my tattoo, i'm desperate to leave immediately. the same fear as the last dude. he gave the money and we left.
"i know i might sound crazy but"

andrew looked at me curious and worried mixed in one facial expression

"ethan called me"

he shook his head and closed his eyes.

"val, we've been over this"

"no! i'm for real this time. some dude bumped into me, dropped a phone it rang and i answered the FIRST thing they said was HEY ANGEL."

"val, he's not here anymore. you have to move on, i miss him. i miss him so much but we have to move on"

"how? when i have a daughter that looks just like him."

he stayed quiet and held my hand.

"he told me to meet him at his grave tomorrow at midnight"

he sighed.
"okay, i'll go with you just in case if it's real"

"thank you andrew i love you" i said hugging him. he hugged me. i started to cry as he hugged me. he got up and hugged me tight.

"what if he's actually alive, like i've said before" i said while crying.

"then it's a miracle" he said

"where do you think he was all this time"

"i don't know" he said

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