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"you fucking killed her" pushing andrew

he didn't respond.
"you killed her!" i yelled louder. "ANSWER ME ANDREW!"

"SO WHAT! i did! i killed her"

"get out" i said

"no" he said

"andrew get the fuck out"

"valerie! she gave cameron away as if nothing!" he argued


"you want cameron to see her uncle in jail"

"i hid the gang from cameron all her life. i can easily hid you from her"

"i'll call you when i find her" he said leaving. i was breathing hard. i saw a vase and threw it across the room.

"FUCK" i yelled. i sat down and broke down. there was a knock on the door. giselle came in.

"what happened here" she said

"andrew got me mad"

"he's getting me more pissed off day by day" she said

i tried to calm myself down.
"i have to go" i said grabbing my keys. she didn't stop me as i walked out. i went to look for cameron which made feel numb. i got home and felt a tear fall when i didn't hear my daughter's footsteps run from her room to come hug me.

i went into the kitchen. i got my alcohol and drank. my lowest i've been ever. ethan isn't home. he's creating hell trying to find cameron just to make me more calm.

there was a knock on the door. i checked the tablet first. it wasn't any threat but a bailey. i went to the door and opened it.

"so when the fuck were you going to tell me my niece was missing"

"i'm sorry" i said weakly

he pulled me into a hug and i hugged back. i tried not to cry but tears fell down my cheek quickly.

"it's okay mom. it's going to be okay. i'll find her and i won't stop until i do"

i hugged him tighter. he didn't let go.
"you've been drinking" he asked. he saw my alcohol.

"just tonight"

"come on, let's get you to bed" he said. he guided me to my room and i laid in bed. he kissed my forehead and sat there until i fell asleep. i fake slept so he could leave and he did. i stared at the ceiling and got up. i walked to cameron's room and fell asleep there.
my phone rang and i answered it immediately.

"come to the warehouse right now" said grayson through the phone

"give me 5 minutes"
i hung up the phone and ran to my room changing, putting my hair up without effort and ran to my car. i parked my car and stormed inside. i heard cameron's laughter.

"cami!" i yelled and ran closer to her. a door opened down the hall. grayson step out first and then she came out. in her jean jacket with pink shirt and jeans. her hair was down and not in the rubber band hairstyle i made the last morning i saw her. they cut her hair. she loves her. it's to her shoulders now. it was at her lower back when i saw her.
"oh my god" i said and ran to her. she ran to me and i picked her up.

"i'm sorry baby. i'm so sorry." i said as i hugged her tight. i felt tears fall down my face. "i'm so sorry. i'm sorry" i repeated.

i heard her hold on her cry and i hugged her tighter. having her in my arms felt so good. having her back with me. the emptiness filled.

"did they hurt you. i'm so sorry." i said putting her down to see if she was okay and if there was any scars. she wasn't touched.

"They cut my hair mommy." she said weakly, it broke me hearing her like this. "please don't send me with uncle jaden" she said sobbing.

"no no no. jaden isn't your uncle. okay. he's not. i'm so sorry. i won't let anyone hurt you again. i'm so sorry" i said wiping her tears. "i'm sorry baby." she wiped my tears and i held her hand.

i hugged her and carried her.
"we need to talk" said grayson

i walked inside the room with him. i didn't let go of cameron.

"does ethan know"

"he's on his way" he said

i sighed in relief. i sat down and cameron sat on my lap. she held me and i held her. grayson told cameron to plug her ears and she did.

"tonight we have an attack. everyone is in on it."

"grayson. after this attack. i'm out. me, ethan, cameron and YOU are out. we're not risking it" i said

"how are you going to get out"

"we disappear. you don't need to. but don't you dare get into any diablo stuff anymore. understood" i said

he nodded. the door swung open and ethan filled the silence.
"holy fuck" said ethan. i let ethan carry her and hug her. cameron hugged him tight.

"i'm sorry baby." he whispered. "can you forgive me. i'm sorry"

she nodded. he checked her for scars but found nothing as i did. he carried her. i put my fingers to my ear facing cameron. she followed my actions and i put my hands down she didn't.

"after this attack, we disappear. us three" i said firmly

"what about grayson"

"i'm moving to europe anyway. i'm not an actually gang member"

"where are we going"

"anywhere far from here" i said

"okay. we'll go" he said

i smiled lightly. i signaled to cameron that she could unplug her ears. i looked at grayson and he was staring at his hands.

we leave as soon as possible but first. make sure all the jokers are dead and burning under the power of diablo.

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