chapter 7

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I could hear the slight argument between The Director and his A.I, Alpha. Carolina interrupted them to announce that we were ready for the next mission. Both of them walked over to the bright blue Holographic-table, where all of us were. I stood next to Wash, who fidgeted from time to time.

"Agents," The Director called out, "Your mission today is by far the most important taken to date." In my head I could hear the quick breathing of one of the voices.

She remembers it. But we can stop it. She just forgets that. Poor Lexi.

"As our number one, Carolina will be leading from the field." The Director told us. Carolina was at the table now, the blue light from the table illuminated her helmet in the dark room. She used the holographs to show us where we are going to attack. She explained that one team will have to get through a one hundred story building, filled with guards. They Will have to find and return to HQ with a 'sarcophagus'. The other team will have to get a brief case from a man who is on the free way.

"Team A will consist of Me, Wash, Maine, and BC. We will work infiltration on the packages storage facility. York is still in the infirmary so BC, You'll be pulling Lock picking duty." Carolina stated, looking at me for conformation. I nodded in reply. Then a voice called out

"Hey, don't be so quick to give away my job." Said York as he walked into the room, the door sliding shut. Our heads turn towards the tan amour soldier. Carolina walked up to him, asking a few questions. York answered and said he wanted to take part. After a few more questions it was settled by The Director that he will be joining Team A.

"Transport will be two pelican dropped ships." Carolina said

"We're rigged for fast running only people. No heavy armor men." One of the flyers added. Carolina then announced Team B , who were the rest of us. C.T asked if South would be joining us, to which the director replied with 'No'. C.T asked about the 'New recruit'. The Director immediately dismissed all questions.

So, Is she coming with us?

Yeah, Of course she is. Did you lose your memory already? Jeez, Get head checked

We share the same head!! You stupid devil!!!

At least I'm not being used as a tool!

At least I'm loved!!

Oh, you just messed with the wrong person!

The two voices battled with each other with insults in the back of my mind. The argument started to give me a headache. I tried to ignore it and listen to what Carolina was saying.

Carolina was explaining both missions on a shorter and simple terms.

"Team A, you have more of a challenge. Mainly, the sarcophagus is unknown." The cyan colored armor woman said

"How unknown are we talking about?" Wash asked Carolina.

"Unknown in that we don't know it's size or weight or its dimensions. We just know it'll have these markings somewhere on the exterior." As she finished a hologram, in red, had three circles with some symbol in them, the circles divided by three lines (In the picture).

"I saw those same markings on the Oil plat form." North stated to the group. I nodded in agreement.

"Correct. That facility created the primary objective." The Director said.

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