Chapter One

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The big bus speeds by and splashes you with water.
"ugh", you say as you wipe the puddle water off your neck and look down at your now wet winter coat.
New York is beautiful but definitely isn't perfect. You cross the busy street and enter the small bookstore to get warm.
It's Christmas Eve and in New York it feels to be about 2°F, a big difference from what you're used to in Florida.
You just turned 19 and decided it was time you saw other places. So here you are now, soaking wet and freezing in a bookstore in Manhattan.
You don't have to check into your hotel room for another hour so you decide to walk around the streets again, hoping to find somewhere nice to eat.
You walk out of the cozy bookstore and make a right. All you see are big buildings, cloudy skies, and the fog of your own breath, something you never see in Florida.
Nothing looks familiar until you see a giant yellow M representing McDonalds. Even though you're vegetarian, anything sounds good to eat right now so you make your way to the smell of french fries and burgers.
You walk in and see loads of different people. There are kids, adults, babies, and old people. Why do so many people want McDonalds at 3 in the afternoon?
You go up to the register and order french fries and apple pie. You didn't even know they had apple pies but it was one of the few non-meat items on the menu.
There were absolutely no tables so you decide to just bring your food to the hotel and eat there.
You begin to walk in the direction of the hotel, using the warmth of the McDonald's bag to keep your hands from going numb.
You reach the hotel and open the door. You would never even imagine how that hotel and that McDonald's would change your life forever.

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