Chapter Seven

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Oh my god. Harry wants to go out to dinner with you. You don't even know this man but then you panic and wonder if it's too late.
You check the time he sent the message.
It was only 20 minutes ago. You could still make it.
You quickly text back, "oh my god i'm so sorry my phone was off i was in the museum and i swear i wasn't on my phone the whole day i can still come i'm walking to the hotel right now!"
You didn't realize you were rambling until after you hit send and then you feel like a complete idiot.
But there's no time for that, you speed walk back to the hotel, shimmying between people and food stands, crossing between cars, and turning corners, hoping he's still there.
You finally reach the street of the hotel and slow down, fixing your hair and your clothes. You glance at your phone quickly to see he never responded.
You start to feel nervous. You enter the hotel quietly and look around, hoping dearly for the man to be there.
Luckily, he's there, dressed very nicely and looking almost sad.
You approach Harry and his face lights up.
"Hello! I'm so happy, I thought you weren't coming!"
It's so cute how happy he is.
You reply, "Yes, oh my god, i'm so sorry. Did you see my text?"
He furrows his eyebrows and takes out the most recent update of the iphone and looks at it.
"Oh, i just got it."
He reads quickly and giggles.
You remember rambling and sounding stupid so you quickly add, "I know, i rambled. I do that a lot". You giggle to make yourself feel better and he finds it amusing.
Harry put his phone back in the pocket of his long coat and then says, "Maybe we should get headed to the restaurant. Our reservation is.."
He looks at his apple watch.
He then adds, "It's ok, we can still go, the owner there i guess you could say is a family friend. He'll understand."
You wonder who this owner could be but your thoughts are interrupted by Harry taking you by the arm and leading you outside to a taxi.
The two of you get inside and Harry told the cab driver the name of the restaurant.
It sounded Italian which is good, you love Italian food.
You look over at Harry in the seat. It then hits you that you know nothing about this man, just that his name is Harry and you literally just got into a cab with him. What is wrong with you?
But something about him just seems so warm, so welcoming, like home.
Harry looks at you to see you're staring at him. He smiles a big cheeky smile and says, "i forgot to tell you i think you look beautiful".
You blush like crazy and the butterflies erupt.
There's no way this is real.

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