Chapter Eleven

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This is insane. You didn't bring a coat so you're shivering but you don't even care about that anymore.
Harry sees you're cold and comes behind you, wrapping his arms around you and lowering his chin onto your neck.
This moment couldn't be any more perfect.

You lean into Harry's hold, noticing the tattoos on his arms. You begin to trace them, admiring each one.
"I love your tattoos"
"Thank you, I make sure each one has a lot of meaning when i get it".
You immediately get an idea but refute it, thinking it's too crazy.
"What are you thinking, y/n?", Harry asks you.
"No.. it's nothing".
"Tell me". He looks you intensely in the eyes. Those piercing green eyes.
You give in. "I was thinking i should get a tattoo so i never forget tonight."
Harry looks surprised.
"Wow. You seemed so... innocent."
He kisses you aggressively.
"Let's go." He pulls your arm.

Before you know it you're at a tattoo place sitting in the chair.
Harry picked your tattoo and you have no idea what it is.

It was painful but it's over. The tattoo artist pulls the paper off, revealing the tattoo on your wrist.
It's a bright green heart, the same color as his eyes. Inside the heart is a message. It says,
"my glass". For a second you blank on what the writing means.
Then you remember. You remember telling him on the roof about your silly metaphor about love. He listened.
You love the tattoo so much. And it's insane how strong your feelings are for this boy.
You give Harry a kiss, lost in the moment, when you jump up, in your hotel bed.
What. The. Fuck.
You're so puzzled and panicked that you start freaking out wondering what the fuck is going on.
It wasn't real?
He's not real?
But then your wrist catches your eye. The tattoo is there. Then how? what? Nothing adds up.
The boy with those green eyes begins to fade from your memory.
This can't be happening.
Your eyes close and you enter your sleep again.
And it starts again.

The big bus speeds by and splashes you with water.
"ugh", you say as you wipe the puddle water off your neck and look down at your now wet winter coat.

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