Chapter Eight

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Harry looks at you to see you're staring at him. He smiles a big cheeky smile and says, "i forgot to tell you i think you look beautiful".
You blush like crazy and the butterflies erupt.
There's no way this is real.

Your hands are in your lap and you start unknowingly playing with your fingers, the nerves kicking in. Harry notices and grabs your hand.
"There's nothing to be worried about, love. You're alright."
You enjoy the comfort from the man as he interlocks his fingers with yours for the rest of the cab ride their.
After a little while, you say, " i think we should get to know each other a little more."
Harry smiles and says, "That's why i've brought you on this date, darling."
You blush at the name and the butterflies come back.
Harry then adds, "tell me all about your favorite color."
You're confused. "My favorite color?"
"Yeah, i think it tells a lot about a person."
You have to think. You love so many colors.
"I guess i'd have to say purple"
"Really? You seem like more of a blue girl"
This is an odd conversation.
"Well, i love blue too. I love all colors really. But purple I feel has meaning and it almost seems mysterious. It's always been one of my favorites."
Harry smiles at you, "So you're smart then, i suppose".
You laugh, "To an extent".
Before you know it, the cab pulls up in front of the restaurant with a sign that says the name Harry had told you earlier.
It's beautiful outside. There are white dangling lights and beautifully sculpted plants. There's a wonderful smell in the air and nothing could be more perfect.
You walk inside to be greeted by a very cheeky irish man with brunette hair and bright blue eyes.
"Harry!!! Long time no see, mate!"
The two hug and you wonder why an irish man owns an Italian restaurant. It's a little funny.
Harry apologizes for being late and the irish man says it's no worry. He introduces himself to you.
"Hello, gorgeous. You must be the fine lady Harry's told me about, eh. I'm Niall. What's your name?"
"My name is y/n. It's nice to meet you Niall." You smile at the jolly guy.
"Yes, very nice. That's a pretty name you've got there, y/n".
"Thank you" , you smile really big.
"Alright, enough with me. Let's get you two seated."
Niall seats you and Harry at a table that was clearly reserved for you two. It's partly away from the rest of the public and it's very fancy.
Niall sits you guys down and places your menus on the table, saying he would be back shortly.
You look at Harry, admiring him. His eyes shine so bright and his smile is so big and adorable with his little dimple. The man appears to never hurt a fly.
"So.. you never told me your favorite color in the cab"
Harry lets out a breath. "That's a tough one. Let me think. "
It seems like you've known him forever when it's only been what, a day or two. You can't even remember anymore, so much has happened.
Niall comes back to the table, however this time, he doesn't look so happy.

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