Chapter Two

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You would never even imagine how that hotel and that McDonald's would change your life forever.
You walk through the extremely fancy lobby and up to the big front desk.
You check in and the worker behind the desk gives you the card that will allow you into your hotel room.
He says that you don't have to go to the room just yet and that the room is ready whenever you want but you decide to drop your bags off and maybe change out of the damp clothes.
You make your way to the big golden elevators and press the up button. Your room is on the third floor.
The big elevator doors open and you roll your suitcase onto the elevator, still holding your now room temperature bag of McDonald's.
You reach the third floor and find your room. When you walk in it has that typical hotel room smell but it's really nice, a lot nicer than you expected. You place your suitcase beside the large king size bed just for you and place your key to the room on the end table next to the sofa.
You take off the dirty wet clothes and put on a pair of skinny jeans and a nice long sleeve sweater that is cropped. Not gonna lie, you look pretty good.
You debate if you should eat your unhealthy meal at the mini table here or go down to eat it in the lounge. You decide since you're on this vacation alone, you may as well meet some people so you grab your key, your phone, and the McDonald's and make your way back to the elevator.
You step onto the elevator and press the little button with the star on it indicating the lobby.
The elevator slowly goes down and stops. You wait for the door to open and when it does you're faced with the structure of a tall, broad man. Being the socially awkward person you are, you avoid eye contact and wait for the man to step aside so you can pass. However, he doesn't do that. The tall figure stands still. Now you're forced to look up at him.
You look at the man and immediately fall into a haze. The man isn't just a man. He's practically a god. Your eyes meet with his jade orbs and your mind stops for a second. He's gorgeous. You feel something deep down that you don't feel often. Arousal? Nerves? Hormones?
The mysteriously beautiful man snaps you out of your daze and says in a slow, deep voice with an extremely hot British accent, "love, your mouth is open". You're so embarrassed and immediately noticed the way you were staring at him. What is wrong with you!?
"s-sorry," you stutter. Ugh why are you like this?
The man steps aside and you walk out of the elevator but turn around to face him again.
The man looks down at the McDonald's bag that you completely forgot was in your hand since the feeling the man is giving you right now overpowers the hunger you felt before.
"wow, i haven't had McDonald's since i was a teenager".
Oh my god now the overly attractive man is going to think you're an unhealthy slob.
"oh-oh, no. I'm actually vegetarian. Yeah, I just got off my plane a few hours ago so i'm like really hungry and this was the only restaurant i saw that sounded familiar but i never eat fast food and—"
"it's ok", the man chuckles.
Ugh see that, you just had to ramble again. You mentally roll your eyes.
"yeah..", you awkwardly look around waiting for the man to say something.
Before either of you can say anything the elevator door closes, taking with it your view of the gorgeous man.
You make sure to get one last look of those beautiful green eyes incase this is the last time you see him.

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