CH 2

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Max's POV

How horrible I think to myself and no less to my cousins but wait Daniel had powers does Sean but he was more in tune with his emotions so It didn't get the best of him?

'Hey, Max, do you got some superpower family members' Chloe asked

'Actually your not going to believe me' I said

'Well then tell me you won't know unless you tell m', Chloe said

'So Sean and Daniel are my cousins but from my father's side probably his brother but we need to head that way and fast guessing they may head to Mexico on the fastest route' I said

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Time Skip~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Still in chapter one or two in LIS 2 when they go and camp in the forest

'It has been 2 days their probably living in the forest at this point so they don't get caught by the police' I thought

Sean's POV

'It's been 2 days since our father died hopefully Max shows up soon' I thought to myself

'Hey do you think Max and Chloe will come and get us' I asked Daniel

'They will I know they will in-fact they are looking for us in no time' Daniel said happily

'Time to look into my fire and see how far off they are' I thought to myself

'I look into my fire and surprisingly they are extremely close to finding us' I thought

'Hey Daniel' I said

'Yes' he replied

'Their close let's yell out their names and scare them how about that' I asked him

'Lets' Daniel said

Chloe's POV

'Hey Max did you hear that' I asked her

'Yeah it sounded like someone said our names' she replied

'Do you think that Sean can see into the future' I asked

'I can at least' someone replied back

'Who are you' I said charging up a spell

'Hey, Chloe, would you stop that spell it's annoying to try to keep it away from my brother' a younger voice said

'Follow the blue fire don't worry it won't hurt you but to find your, cousins you may want to hurry up hahaha' the voice said disappearing

'Let's go before something happens and fast' Max said

The Wulf Pack (LIS 1 & 2)Where stories live. Discover now