CH 8

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Daniel's POV



'Sean I'm confused about this whole ordeal and who in the world is Clockwork but theirs one thing for sure we need more answers from him or his memory' I said



'Your right Daniel but we cannot let him suspect a thing about our lives and its probably best if we bring Chloe and Max just in case something were to happen' Sean said



'That will defiantly be a good idea Sean but we also need to make sure he can't posses us which will probably be another day to get that done uhhh' I said and he just nods and leaves probably to talk to Chloe and Max.



One Day Later



'Hey is everything ready for more answers from him' I asked Chloe



'Yes everything is ready for us to get more answers from and their is also some extra precautions just in case he dose something stupid' Chloe said as she handed us some bands that probably have some spells on them.



'Ok were ready to and get more answers out of him' Sean said




Danny's POV



Its been like three days since I got captured and I tried to escape multiple times but this psychic keeps me from escaping and then theirs the Fire boy *chills down his back* just thinking about him makes me want to leave more and faster and since Clockwork hasn't came to talk to me yet so they ether ghost proof the place I'm staying at or... and I think their coming.



'Hey are you up... good we came to ask more questions for one why are you trying to leave' Emo girl (Chloe)



'For one who wouldn't want to leave your keeping me trapped' I said



'Ok but are you related to us in any way' Fire boi asked



'No I am not but that's all I know and will ever know' I said



'Ok but why did you kill our father' The Psychic asked me and Fire boi is also looking at me for an answer



'Well it wasn't my choice I had to or your timeline would be messed up even more than it is now' I said

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