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Sean's POV

'It was fun to scare them wasn't it Daniel' I asked him

'It was super funny now let's go and wait for them at our campsite come on let's go' Daniel said

'Did you forget I must stay near the fire for it to stay lit' I said

'Yeah I forgot but I'll be waiting for you at the campsite' he said

'I hear them get going now' I said

'He left ok good' I thought

'Max where do you think this fire leads' Chloe said

Max's POV

'I don't know where do you think' I asked

'It leads to our campsite' the same older voice said

'Just follow the fire you will find Sean and Daniel' the voice said

'Let's keep on moving and a bit faster' I said to Chloe

'Move too slow you won't reach them in time, move too fast and your death could be your demise' the voice said

'Let's just get moving before we lose our minds from these riddles' Chloe said

Daniel's POV

'It's boring but at least I can practice my powers without Sean always down my throat' I said practicing my powers

'Sean is close that means they are close to yay' I thought to myself

'Daniel, they are close I'm going to use my fire to make a hallucination for them to see' Sean said

'I just nodded and so he started putting up the illusion for them this will be so funny' I thought

Max's POV

'Max do you smell iron' Chloe said

'I do... wait do you think...' I said not finishing my sentience

We start running faster than we just realized that the sun is rising

'I think we are too late' Chloe said looking at them dead

'You are not late nor on time' the voice said and what looks like an illusion made out of fire disappears

'Hey cousin' the voice said

'Hello' the younger one said

Then we see them perfectly fine

'Fire I know it's pretty useful' the voice now know as Sean said

'This just confused us further than it should have and then Sean makes chairs out of the fire, could this day get any more wearied' I said tired out

'Nope your lucky and Chloe your seeing eye spell won't work for anyone you haven't met yet' Sean said as he knew more about it

'How did you know I had magic' Chloe questions

'My fire lets me see and do anything with it as I wish' Sean said

'But that's enough tonight we need to get to sleep and get to our mom' Sean said

The Wulf Pack (LIS 1 & 2)Where stories live. Discover now