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Look at the photo above 🐺 🦋 🦌

Happy Valentine's Day and I hope you have a good one when or wherever you are.


Karen's POV



'How did you get all the way out here' I asked



'We got out here thanks to our father's uncle our cousin' Sean said



'But that doesn't explain how you knew where I was' I said



Then he just shows fire that appears from his hand and stuff starts to float around I'm thinking what happing



'What you just saw mother is our powers' Daniel said



'I'm fire while Daniel is telekinesis' Sean said explaining



'But why would you want me back after all I did' I questioned



'Because you're our mother' Sean said



'But our father got shot by an officer' Daniel said trying to keep his emotions under control



This is when Karen starts to black out



Sean's POV



'That was all it was to break her wasn't it' I said



'Yep, let's get the other' Daniel said



'There at the door waiting' I said



'Hey how did it... You killed her' Chloe said



'No all there was shock' I explained



'Max why weren't you surprised' Chloe questions



'Um it's pretty obvious she fell from shock' Max said



'But the real question is what are we going to do' I said



'Me and Sean can sleep here while you sleep in the car, she will definitely feel more comfortable when she wakes up' Daniel said



'You know he right' I said



'We know so we will sleep in the car' Max said



'Come on Chloe' Max said



'But... fine' Chloe said giving up



'Hey, let's get ready brother' I said



3rd POV



They take a shower together and get ready to go to sleep but they do something before that



I will leave that to your imagination because this is my story for everyone and because I never have written like that~

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