CH 4

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Sean's POV



'Were on our way to haven point to see my and Daniel's mom we haven't seen her in years for both of us' I thought



'Hey guys were here' Chloe said



'And this was the best possibly of getting here without getting into a lot more trouble' I said



'Your probably right Sean' Daniel said



'Hey guys I think church just started' Max said



'Whatever you guys do never show you powers to the main crazy lady in the church' I said



'Or in general' Daniel added



'Lets see where our mom is now' I said looking into my fire



'She is at the gas station but not for long she going to go back to her motel room soon' I said



Karen's POV (bet ya didn't see this)



"Its been a long time since I seen them I wonder how their doing" I thought



She got in her truck and went to her motel room and after a bit she herd a knock on the door



'Give me one minute' I said



I open the door to see someone I thought I would not see in years



Daniel's POV



'Hey guys she's leaving' I said



'Follow her but a bit behind so she doesn't get suspicious' Sean said



~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Time Skip 12 min~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~



'Lets go up to her door and knock on it and wait' Sean suggested



'You two go me and Chloe will stay here' Max said



'I was just going to say that lets go Sean' I said



As they were walking up they decided who is going to be the person to knock on the door



'I will do it' Sean said



'Ok just put up an illusion so she can't see me' Daniel said



'Ok I will' Sean said



Sean's POV



As I get the illusion up to make Daniel not their I get ready to knock on the door



'Well its now or never' I thought to myself



I knocked then I heard a soft I'm coming probably from our mom



Then the door opened



'Surprise' I say in a soft voice



What, How, when, she tried to make words but it was failing



I let the illusion fall then I tell Daniel that he can talk now



'Hi mom its nice to see you again' Daniel said

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