CH 13

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Sean's POV



'Hey mom you know how we were running from the police' Daniel asked



Yeah why, She asked suspiciously because he said were



'The master of time said everything that happened to us never happened and we can go back it will be like we are just missing but time is stopped everywhere right now but here' I explained



'Ok so does that mean goodbye' She asked



'No it does not it means you could comeback with us if you wish and try again at being our mother if your wish to' I said



'But that doesn't make any sense how did you just lose the police just like that?' Karen asked snapping her fingers for show



'All I know is the master of time said that everything is back to being normal and until we return to Washington, Seattle that area of time won't move' I said



'So do you want another chance of being our mother' Daniel said/asked



'Of course I do but its going to take some time getting used to you two having powers and that also means we have to look thought the hereditary past to see if any of our ancestors had powers' She said



'I think I know who to ask about where these powers came from' I said



'Clockwork!!!' Daniel and I said at the same time



'Yes' Clockwork replied



'Can you tell us if any of our ancestors had powers like us' Me and Daniel asked at the same time but Karen is just trying to figure out how that man/person/ghost got their in the first place



'Well I can say that one of your ancestors had powers but their not from this dimension how do you think you and Max are related when both of your hereditary lines don't connect how would you explain that?' He said and question us at the same time



'There is no explanation for it unless your father knew but that is going have to wait until we can get back to Seattle' Mom said



'I know there is more questions you want to ask but its about time you guys get on the road home I will be their when you need me at any time just say my name out loud' Clockwork said and then disappeared



'Well I think our ages will go backwards to the minute before Danny attacked us' I said



'Wait the ghost boy did that' Mom said



'Not now guys lets get going before Clocky has to pause time for any longer' Danny said



'Hey Max Chloe Lets go' Daniel said



'Ok were getting ready to go now' Chloe said



'Lets go home now shall we all' I said



'Yes lets go back home to our father and ask him questions later' Daniel said then everyone looked at him weirdly



'What I know you all had it on your mind" he said



As they make their way home Daniel decides to go to collage after he is finished with highschool even though he can see his best friends once a year he made sure to be smart about when he gets one. Sean and Daniel have their suspicion on how they got their powers but Sean knows thanks to his fire but decides to keep it a secret until the next book.

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