CH 7

23 1 0

Sean's POV



'Hey Daniel don't we need to come up with some questions for the officer to answer' I said



'Yes we do but theirs one question I will ask him and I think you know what I'm talking about' Daniel said



'Yes and you will ask that after I ask what's his name' I said



'That defiantly important especially when I need to change his mind or change his memory how ever you look at it' Daniel said



(Time Skip 1 Day)



Daniel's POV



'Hey I think its time to go and interrogate the officer' I said



'Your defiantly right and plus I'm tired of calling him officer' Sean said



(10 Min later)



'Hey wake up, if you don't you won't get anything to eat' Sean said



'Wow harsh but he's right' I said



'Ok I'm up I'm up' ????? Said



'Were going to ask you some questions and if you don't answer our questions truthful then you will feel a slight burring sensation anywhere on you' Sean said



'First What's your name' Sean asks



'My name is Danny Phantom' Danny replied



'Truth' I replies



'What how did you know?' Danny asks



'Not important' Sean says



'Why did you kill our father' I ask



'I had to and it wasn't really my choice Just ask clockwork' he whispered the last part to himself



'Truth and who's Clockwork' I ask



He doesn't reply then I nod to Sean to make him burn somewhere just a little that what makes him start talking



'He's someone who doesn't like being known since he's dead now please stop the burning' Danny said in a rushed voice I just nod at Sean



'Truth but how are you talking to him are you half dead' I chuckle at the though but his thoughts went somewhere else



'Oh so you are half dead' Sean said and I'm not surprised he probably just read his body language



'Ok come on Sean were done for today but don't thing this room isn't ghost proof just because you don't feel weak' I said as we left



'Hey Chloe the cops Name's Danny Phantom and he's a ghost so can you ghost proof the place where were keeping him' Sean asked



'Ya just give me a minute to find the correct spell and possible ingredients that I need' She said



'Ok until then I will keep an eye on him' I said and Sean doesn't argue because no one will be able to catch him unless he's physical.



Finding the spell took 30 minutes and one escape attempt and 2 hours to get the ingredients and about 10 more escape attempts but after a while we got him trapped and right now he's trying to leave but its failing now we all can go to sleep but before that I checked my watch it said 11:47 PM time to hit the hay and as I thought that Sean decides to dunk into the bed and sleep.

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