Part 24

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Some fluff before some angst-ridden chapters. You're welcome looool


A groan left Amy's lips the next morning when her eyes fluttered open. Her head hurt like a motherfucker and the light filtering in through the window did little to help the situation. She blinked sleepily as flashes in her mind started to piece together the night before. She had been so fucking drunk. She shifted, feeling something pulling on her skin, and as she looked down, her eyes widened a little. She was covered in now dry blood that was cracking and peeling on her skin. More flashes entered her mind then. She couldn't remember everything, but what she did remember made between her thighs tingle and her cheeks flush. She couldn't believe she had been so bold with him. She'd been curious about the knife and blood thing ever since he'd suggested it but it felt so... sinful. She had been too shy to admit she wanted something that dark. But apparently, drunk Amy wasn't so shy.

She rolled onto her side, watching the sleeping boy curled up beside her. His face was serene as he slept. He looked like an angel even with the dried blood covering his skin. Most of the flashes from the night before entailed his onyx eyes and she was well aware she was playing with fire. He hadn't hurt her though. She had given him a knife and he hadn't plunged it into her chest even when he was at his darkest. It made her heart jump at the thought. Even his demon wasn't completely evil. She reached out and brushed his golden hair from his eyes as she admired him. His lashes fluttered open then and as his bright blues looked at her, a bright smile graced his face. It made him look so young and boyish.

"Good morning." he murmured sleepily. She smiled at him as he scooted a little closer.

"Good morning," she replied softly. Her head was still hurting but it wasn't that bad that it was ruining her morning. She was grateful.

He leant forward and kissed her lips sweetly and she was all too happy to accept his kiss. The pair of them sleepy and just enjoying each other. When he pulled away, his face stayed right next to hers as his hand stroked her neck softly.

"I love you," he whispered against her lips. She closed her eyes, relishing in the moment before she leaned in and kissed him again. When she moved away his blue eyes were watching her somewhat expectantly and it confused her. It made her stomach twist and unsettle. Why did it look like he wanted her to say it back? He'd never looked at her this way after he said it to her. It made her uncomfortable, worrying that maybe he was growing tired of it now.

"We went a little wild last night huh?" she asked with a sheepish smile as she tried to steer the subject somewhere else. Michael furrowed his brow a little as he looked at her somewhat disappointed and it only made her heart still. Fearing he was going to say something.

"Do you regret it?" he asked with a careful tone. She gave him a smile and shook her head.

"I don't remember everything, but I enjoyed what I do remember," she snorted with flushed cheeks.

She sat up then and he stared at her back as his heart sank. She didn't remember. He had fully expected her to utter those words again to him this morning, heart filled with the hope he may hear them again. But she didn't even remember saying them in the first place. He had to remind himself that she had been very vulnerable last night after the alcohol and what they had done. She had let her guard down completely at that moment and she meant those words. But now her guard was back up and she was back to feeling like the girl who wasn't capable of feeling love. He tried not to let it devastate him. Because he knew underneath it all, she did feel that way. She had told him so. And it gave him hope that one day she would feel safe enough to tell him again. He needed to not be selfish this time. To make her uncomfortable or push her, in fear of losing her. So instead he opted to cling onto the fact she had said those words even just once and counted himself lucky that she had. Even if she never found it in her to tell him again he would cherish the night before.

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