Part 27

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So I've been thinking a lot lately... I'm still nowhere near done with where I see this fic going and I think I'm going to split it into two clear parts since there's a very clear divide. Where my brain is thinking of taking it, it gets a lot darker. So I'll finish this book off first and post it, see if you guys like it. And if you do then I'll work on the next and get that out to you. I'm just curious about what you guys are thinking about this one so far.

It started off as a small side project and took on a life of its own. I've really been enjoying writing it. But at the same time, it's a little draining at this point. I have a bunch of other Michael fics in the works and I switch between which I work on depending on what I'm feeling like. And this one at this point has started to be slower for me to work on and get done. (Although by the time you're reading this the first book will be complete, since I'm not posting this until it's done).

So yeah, my thoughts right now. I have a clear view on where this story will go but I also wanna see if there's enough interest to continue on with it to make a second part.


The sounds of birds chirping seemed to fill Amy's mind as she sat under the large tree in the garden. The air was chilly and she pulled Michaels hoodie around herself tight. It was around 7am-ish she presumed. She had been sat out here for hours trying to get some alone time and clear her head. It had been three days since she had her mental breakdown, and while she initially felt better at releasing all her pent up emotions, her emotional state felt worse off now and more fragile. Cordelia had requested to see her every day since, giving her almost therapy sessions like she did to Michael. Everyone at the academy seemed to worry about her and it was rubbing her nerves raw. The second day after her outburst, Cordelia had inadvertently let it slip that she knew what had happened to her in her personal hell. Amy knew the only way she would know is if Michael had told her and part of her felt betrayed. But she was feeling so exhausted from just existing that she didn't even mention it to him. By this point, she was just done with everything.

She had felt so bad for hurting him. She hadn't meant to, she had panicked when he grabbed her. Making her mind shift to her personal hell. She knew it hadn't been Michael to do that to her down there, but the thing still wore his face. And while she still loved Michael and knew he wouldn't ever hurt her that way, it was still difficult being around him. Mainly because he never left her alone, more so after her outburst. She knew it had affected him badly. As he told her, he had endured his own personal hell that day. But she felt like she couldn't move past it because she was stuck here. She was seeing his face every second of the day. She was putting up with people staring at her like they expected her to break. Dealing with Mallory and Coco fawning all over her. With the concerned eyes of fucking everyone. She felt like she couldn't breathe. Like she was crawling out of her skin. She wanted to move past what happened. She didn't want to be stuck in this dark limbo for the rest of her fucking life, but she couldn't when everywhere she went in the damn place, people were reminding her. That's precisely why she had snuck out before anyone was awake, including Michael.

She needed space. She needed to go over what happened, deal with it and lay it to rest. The day before Cordelia has suggested that she go and visit Misty. The girl had endured her own personal hell and Michael had saved her too. No one here knew what she was going through and Cordelia thought it might be helpful to talk to someone who got it. Someone different. She didn't know Misty really. And since she had been brought back she had taken leave from the coven for the time being and was now in a cottage a few hours away. She knew Cordelia visited her often. She'd met her only once and she liked her. But when Cordelia suggested she go, her first response had been no, and the reason had been Michael. She didn't want to fight with him. She didn't have it in her really. She knew he had been through things too and she worried what his reaction would be if she left for a few days. But she couldn't stand being in this place any longer with everyone treating her like she was made of glass. And after sitting here watching the sun come up for hours, she finally decided to say fuck it. She had been the one to be in hell getting raped by a monster wearing her boyfriend's face. She needed to get away for a few days and she was doing it. She was sick of worrying about other people. If she didn't worry about herself she'd snap again and she was terrified she'd hurt someone else, even worse this time.

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