At The Beginning

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'You can do this. You are a successful, young woman. You can do this.' She kept repeating this mantra on her way for her first day at work. She's one of the top five students at her business class university and that's why she gets to work immediately after her graduation. And at her dream job. In a company where she'll have a change to be promoted to something more. In a company where she's been before... She shakes her head to clear it.

"Don't think of that girl. Today you are a professional." She whispers to herself. The cab pulls over and she gets off. She's entering the building and flashes from that night appear in front of her. She gets chills seeing the familiar reception booth. "Pull it together Ayse!" she whispers again.

"Hello, welcome to Modamu. How can I assist you?" The polite girl asks.

"Hello, I'm Ayse Özkayali. I'm the new...."

"Intern. Yes we've been expecting you. Just give me a moment." After five minutes she comes back with a badge and a bunch of papers.

"Ok, you sign all of these and you bring them to me by the end of the day. This is your in and out badge and Mr. Muhsin is expecting you to his office. Again welcome."

"Thank you." Ayse says and she smiles.

She uses the elevator and she's at the company floor in no time. She's walking out of the elevator when she bumps accidentally into someone.

"Oh God, I'm so sorry. I was looking at these papers and...."

"It's more than ok. Are you here for the photo shooting? Cause in that case I'm your guy. Volkan." He says offering his hand.

"Ayse Özkayali. The new intern. If you'll excuse me now Mr. Muhsin is waiting for me. Can you point me to the right direction please?"

"Oh the big  boss. Yes. Follow me."

"You can just tell me Mr. Volkan." She says feeling a little guilty.

"Don't mister me. I'm Volkan, you're Ayse. And it's not a trouble."

"What did you mean by big boss?" She asks trying to keep up with his pace.

"Muhsin is our boss with the regular meaning, which means we hide things from him. His son Kerem, my best friend, is our other boss. The difference is that if you screw it up you tell Kerem not Mihsin. This is my office if you need me and this is the one you are looking for."

"Thank you. For everything." Ayse says.

"Oh don't sweat it. I'm here if you need me. Good luck."

He leaves and she knocks the door.

"Come in." A gentle voice says and she steps in with confidence.

"Mrs. Muhsin? I'm Ayse Özkayali, the new intern from the business school." She says and offers her hand.

He shakes it "Welcome my darling. I hope you like the place so far."

"Amazing, and so far everyone is so polite." She responds carefully.

"Oh you already met you coworkers?"

"Only Volkan. He's the photographer if I got that right..."

"He's also a photographer. Among other things. I know him since he was a little kid. A good man but wouldn't trust him as a future boyfriend... if you know what I mean..." he smiles.

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