That Night

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"Where are we going?" Ayşe asks as Kerem drags her from her hand.

"Just trust me." He says and smiles. The alcohol in his system is in really high levels.

She laughs and follows him blindly. Her logical part of her brain tells her not to follow him but it's the unreasonable one that's stronger now. He leads them to a big building, a company she thinks.

"We will get caught!"

"Don't worry! I know the owner." He bangs on the door and the guard wakes up.


"Just let us in."


"No buts! Thank you!" Kerem says as they pass by the surprised guard. Ayse laughs again as they run inside. He pins her against the reception desk and starts kissing her. She kisses him back but holds herself back.

"Hmm, someone might see us..." She says but her lips are still on his.

"Come with me!" He says like she has a choice.

At the elevator he attacks her lips again. A fierce kiss that takes her breath away. She whimpers when she feels his hand at the strap of her dress, lowering. The sane part of her brain takes over again and she breaks the kiss.

"Are you sure that we are alone?"

"One hundred percent babe." He whispers with low voice and she melts.

She's the one who's claiming his lips this time. She pins him against the door and he almost fell when the door open.

"That's a big company." Ayse murmurs under her breath.

"Yeah it is! This way!" He's too focused on getting her to a closed space he doesn't even pay attention to what he's saying.

She's still watching her surroundings, as she runs after him, impressed by the decoration and the amount of glass.

He spins her and pushes her inside a big conference room.

"Now we are officially alone." He says and the fire in his eyes burns her. He lifts her and throws her at the table. She grabs the lapels of his jacket to pull him closer and then she takes it off.

He growls when her fingernails scratch his skin over his shirt. He pulls her closer by her waist and he starts kissing her neck. Her smell is so intoxicating he could get lost in it. She begins to unbutton his shirt and quickly he's half naked.

It's his turn now to play. He lays her down on the desk without stop kissing her. His lips leaving a trail from wet, open kisses from her throat to her chest. He unzips her dress and she lifts her back to help him. With one swift move he removed it and it creates a pool of fabric around her waist.

She moans when his teeth scrap her nipple over her bra and her fingers are tangled in his hair bring him closer.

"God this feels so good..."

Kerem lowers the cup of the bra exposing her breast. He licks her nipple and she lets out a scream, her hands bringing him impossible closer to her. He lifts his head to look at her and his beard tickles her sensitive skin.

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