Feelings and emotions

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It doesn't need to be said that neither of them slept much that night. Ayse was thinking that maybe she overreacted and Kerem was thinking how he can fix the situation.

When the morning finally comes, Ayse put on her professional and brave face to knock on his door. He doesn't answer and she's about to leave when the door opens and a wet Kerem appears. He has only a towel on and his hair and whole body is tripping water.

She doesn't say anything. All she does is staring at him like he's her favorite dessert. He smiles and invites her in.

"Maybe I should wait for you downstairs..."

"Nonsense." He says and takes her hand to lead her inside. "It not like you'll see something you've never seen before." He says and he turns to find his clothes.

She looks everywhere but him and it's the hardest thing in the world. And he certainly doesn't have the intention to help her.

"So, why are you here?" He says and he drops his towel on the floor. She gasps and she holds a moan back. Or she thinks she does because now he's the one that looks at her hungrily.

"Hum... I.... for your schedule... for the day..?" She can't speak properly and he's coming closer to her and he's still naked. She shouldn't have sat in the bed. She regrets it now but it too late.

He's already looming over her and she raises her head slowly to stare him at the eyes.

"Yes..???" He's teasing her and he's smirking at her. That stupid bastard.

She clears her throat and she tries to speak again. "I'm here to let you know about the meetings that you have today during lunch time Mr. Kerem." She says cheekily.

That was the last drop. He bends over her and he makes her lay down to the bed. "Normally now I would kiss the hell out of you but I'm so furious with you that I don't know how to react."

Drops are falling on her face and he removes a strand of her hair away from her face. "Maybe I should just cave in. Strip you off from your clothes and..." he bites her ear lobe and she whimpers. "...you know the rest. You will end up screaming my name as your salvation."

She doesn't move, she doesn't dare. All she does is too look him deep in the eyes as he taunts her to oblivion. And then she raises her hands and she touches his chest with her fingertips. He hisses when her nails scratch his nipples and he closes his eyes.

"What's wrong Mr. Kerem?" She asks innocently as she continues her movements.

"What are you doing to me Ayse? What do you want?" His voice is a whisper. His face close to hers, his breath ghosts over her lips.

"What am I doing? What do you want me to do?" She raises her head a little to barely touch his lips.

"I want you like I've never wanted a woman in my entire life. I don't know how to handle that. I don't know how to handle you babe." He says brutally honest and he shocks her.

"All I know is that somehow you managed to make me depend on you and I've known you less than a month. How on earth did you do that?" He laughs at the realization and she smiles.

"And all I know is that I can't stop thinking of the possibilities. Of all the things that could go wrong. You are my boss. You are a forbidden fruit and her I am laying underneath a very naked you."

"That last part can be solved if you'll get naked too... just saying." His mood is lighter.

"We don't have time now to solve this now. You'll be late." She says bringing him back to reality.

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