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Mindlessly, Kinley pets Gizmo as he sits perched on the bistro table. Sara stares at her friend with concern. Kinley isn't typically this quiet unless she's working on something. Now she's just lost in thought, almost depressed.

Alex had mentioned it to her earlier today in their chemistry class. He said Kinley had been off all week. Sara feels awful for not noticing when the happiest person she's ever met who has always been there for her at the drop of a hat, is so obviously going through something that's troubling her.

Kinley's atrocious pink dye job has finally faded, but she's opted to keep a single pink strand by her left ear. As irate as that made Alex, Sara secretly thought it suited her dear friend. Kinley has always been and always will be, beautifully spontaneous. It's something Sara both loves and envies.

Kinley does things as she feels them, laughing when she feels like it, dancing when it suits her, and loving whomever she loves as she pleases. Sara has always been the exact opposite. Growing up with strict parents, Sara learned early on to mask emotion and to present herself accordingly. It wasn't until she moved here in second grade that she met the already diaper buddies for life.

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