11• Al3X's St0RY

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There once was a time when I protected those closest to me. I tried. I really did.
But it wasn't enough....


It takes Sara a long while to calm down. It's heartbreaking watching her fall apart, holding herself together just so she won't collapse where she sits. She cries. She wails. She curses Kinley and asks why she left her.

It's a bit nonsensical honestly. Kinley isn't here. She hasn't been for a long time now. It's like the grief is so overwhelming for her that she just can't cope with the pain it brings.

It's sad.

It's sad because all of these years, while she put on a brave face and tried to keep moving, deep down this is how she's truly felt.
Inside, she's been mourning the loss of her friend.

Once Sara regains her composure, the boys tread lightly about proceeding with their questions, but Sara has already gathered herself up and sits with her shoulders back, eyes hawk like.

"Can you tell us about Alex Poole? We've had a hard time trying to contact him and we've noticed he's no longer enrolled at your school," Owen says gently, as if approaching a stray dog.

Sara laughs dryly, wiping her nose with another tissue.
She lets her hands fall in her lap, tissue twisting mindlessly in her fingers.
"Alex was worse than I was after Kinley went missing. I'd been out with her father, going door to door, passing out flyers, and trying to get access to cameras that she may have passed after she left the cafe with me. Alex though was furious."

"Furious," Silas says quizzically.
Sara nods at him, " Yeah. He said from the start that someone took her. That the cops were wrong about her running away, which was the favorite theory at the time. He went on a manhunt on his own, refusing to join Elliot and I with our efforts. He went through her things, trying to find clues. He even broke into the school. He'd told me just before he did that that he'd found something that he thinks might prove the one who took her, but when I'd asked him what was so convincing to go and do something crazy like that, he wouldn't tell me."

"Did he explain why he wouldn't tell you," North asked her.
" He said that what he found led him to believe the situation was dangerous. That he wasn't going to risk me along with himself. I tried talking him out of it but he wasn't having it. Next thing I know the kids at school were talking about how he's gotten busted in the basement of the school and was sent to juvie. Apparently he really pissed off someone on the school staff while he was there and they insisted he not be given a warning."

I blink over at her, now sitting by her side. That's strange. I've seen plenty of kids break into the school and never get caught. The school gives the impression that they're highly secured, but they don't waste the money on it. I look to Gabriel, " Ask her how he got caught."
He nods at me and does as I ask.
She sighs, " Luck was against him that night. Usually the security system isn't so jacked up, but there was ironically a malfunction that night. Everything in the building locked down with Alex trapped in the basement. The staff member he'd angered was trapped in a classroom nearby as well."

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