Here With You

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I woke up thinking, Why is it dark outside?

Then I felt Peter's arms around me, his face buried in my hair. Then I remembered.

Smiling to myself, I turned so I was facing Peter, and kissed him.

His eyes fluttered open. "Hey Covey."

I burrowed into his arms. "It's probably late. We should go back to sleep."

He yawned and snuggled closer. "Yeah. It was kind of weird to do that in the middle of the day."

I blushed a little. It was weird to sleep in the middle of the day, but it felt perfect nonetheless.

"Hold on." I peeled myself from the bed, and went to put my nightgown on. When I got back, Peter had put his pajama shorts on. I got back under the covers, with Peter following me. He was just as warm as last night. Quickly, I fell back asleep.

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