The Birth

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The midwife comes in. “Hi Lara Jean. Are you ready to become a mom?”
I nod, completely ready to get this baby out of me.
“Okay, I’m going to count to ten, and you’re going to push on the next contraction. This is going to take a while, so I want you to relax, okay?”
I nod, and on the next contraction, the midwife starts counting. I push with all my might, and grip Peter’s hand.
“You’re doing great Covey.” he says. “I’m right here if you need anything.”
“A kiss?”
He laughs, and bends over to kiss me. We lock lips for a minute, and then another contraction breaks me.
Peter cringes as I squeeze his hand, but he doesn't let go.
"Keep going Lara Jean!"
"You're one push closer!"
"Another big one here!"
This midwife sure is getting annoying.
I'm breathing hard, and Peter brushes damp hair off my face.
I lean back. I know we're not even close, but I'm already so tired, and I keep moving around, so the midwife keeps having to tell me to sit still.
She huffs. "Okay, we're going to have to try another tactic. Sir, I'm going to have you sit behind her." she says to Peter.
He nods. Peter gently scoots me forward, and he gets behind me. I am now in between his legs. Peter kisses my head. "I'm right here."
I feel stronger with Peter so close. I'm still holding his hand, and he puts his arms around my middle, though not too tightly. I know he's there to hold me back from wriggling too much.
"All right. When the next contraction happens, push hard." the midwife says.
I grip Peter's hand, and push with all my strength. He kisses my forehead. "Good job baby."
We keep at it for a long time: me pushing, Peter sweetly comforting me, and the midwife yelling at me to keep going.
"The baby's head is crowning. A few more pushes should do it."
I look at Peter. He looks so happy. I squeeze his hand, and he squeezes mine back.
"Push!" the midwife screeches.
I do it.
"One more, and you'll be done!"
I squeeze Peter's hand, and push with all my might, and the surreal feeling of the baby sliding out of my body makes me shiver.
The midwife cuts the cord and cleans the baby off. "A girl." she says.
I can practically hear Peter's smirk.
She hands me my baby girl, and tears spring to my eyes. My girl. My Juliet.
I lower my gown, and give Juliet my breast so she can eat. She latches on, and starts sucking. Peter is watching in wondering awe. When she finishes, I cover myself up again, ignoring Peter's hungry stares.
I feel faint all of the sudden, and almost drop my baby.
"Are you okay Covey? You look pretty pale."
Peter sounds concerned. I feel a dizzy rush, and the midwife rushes to take my baby.
I collapse on Peter's chest. He wraps his arms around me.
"Covey, wake up!"
"It's been a long birth. Perfectly normal to feel faint." the midwife says, handing me a water cup.
I drain it, all of the sudden so thirsty.
"Hold her while I change the sheets." the midwife instructs.
Peter picks me up. "You look sexy in that gown Covey. It shows almost everything I want to see." I hit him, and he smirks.
The midwife finishes, and takes Juliet off to the newborns ward.
Peter puts me back on the bed. I try to sleep, but I can't. "Will you sleep with me?"
Peter grins. He gets on the bed beside me, and holds me until I fall asleep.

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