The Wedding

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On the day of the wedding, I was a ball of nerves. Margot and Chris were trying to calm me, but I was nervous I would trip down the aisle or my water would break during the ceremony, or that Peter would change his mind.

Kitty was silently braiding my hair. I was wearing it in a half down-half crown braid style. There would be flowers braided into the whole thing.

My bridesmaids all looked gorgeous in their dresses, and Kitty had even put a bow tie around Jamie Fox-Pickle's neck.

I took a deep breath, and went to put the dress on.

It fit beautifully. Margot said herself that I didn't look heavily pregnant. I was petite and pretty.

Honestly, I felt pretty. I was pretty.

"Kavinsky's going to die and go to heaven when he sees you LJ." Chris said. She was lying on the sofa in my dressing room.

Margot smiled. She had tears in her eyes. "I can't believe you're getting married!"

"And I can't believe you and Josh aren't married." I retorted.

She wipes the tears away so she won't stain her face. "Matter of time."

We all laugh, even Chris.

We meet Peter's best man (Gabe), and all the other men in the wedding party at the stairs.

"You look great Large." Gabe says. "My boy was so nervous earlier, but I think he'll be okay when he sees you."

Lucas winks at me. He looks great too. Peter and him have become better friends over the months, so I was happy when he asked him to be in our wedding party.

The bouquet is handed to me. It trails on the ground, and matches the flowers in my hair.

"You look like a fairy." Kitty says.

I twirl a little. "Thanks." I'm not wearing shoes, because mine didn't fit when I tried them on last. I feel more like a fairy now, which I love.

Trina rushes forward. "Oh aren't you a sight for sore eyes! Your dad is almost ready."

The wedding planner tells us that it's time for the bridesmaids to start walking. Chris takes Lucas's arm, and Margot takes Gabe's l. Kitty takes Darrell's, looking a little awkward.

They parade down the aisle, looking great.

Daddy appears at my side. "You look beautiful."

I hug him. "Thank you for being here."

"Wouldn't miss it." he winks.

When we are motioned to start walking, I take a deep breath, and take Daddy's arm. I can hear Let's, let's stay together, and I smile.

The sun hits my face, and I feel the excitement. I love Peter, and this is what I want to do.

Daddy walks me down the aisle, and I hear a gasp. It is not a gasp of horror, but a gasp of awe.

I guess I look better than I thought.

I see Peter at the end, and I smile. He looks so handsome.

Peter's smile is bright as the sun. His tux is perfect fitting, and I feel my cheeks assume a rosy glow.

The petals under my feet feel cool and reassuring. I do feel like a fairy.

When we reach the gazebo, I give my bouquet to Chris. Daddy kisses my cheek, and places my hands in Peter's. His hands are a little damp, but when I look into his eyes, I only see happiness.

"Hey Covey." he whispers.

I trace his palm with my finger, and he smiles wider, remembering how I didn't like when he did that our first year of dating. He squeezes my hand, and I close my eyes.

We face the preacher, and he begins.

"I knew I was in love four years ago, when we went on the ski trip. For a while you were my best friend, but now, it's much more than that. Lara Jean, I don't think we'll be together until death. We'll be together beyond that, exploring an infinite realm where we will always have each other. I want to grow old with you, and fall asleep next to you every night. I hope your face will always be the first one I see in the morning. I love you Lara Jean, more than you or I will ever know."

I thumb my tears away after Peter's speech. He said it all straight to me, looking into my eyes.

I did the same when I said mine.

"Peter, most people say that they married their high school sweetheart, or their childhood best friend, but I'm not marrying any of those. Yes, we knew each other as kids. Yes, we dated in high school and beyond. But I'm marrying someone I never thought I would. The most handsome, charming, sweet man in the world is mine forever. I'm marrying the impossible recipient of my love letter. If Kitty had never been angry at me and sent the letter, I wouldn't be standing at this alter right now. I would have kept my whimsical romance in my head. But now I have something better. I get to live in my whimsical romance with you."

The preacher smiled at me, but I was too busy looking at Peter. He had a tear in his eye, and I reached my thumb up, and took it away. He laughs silently.

We take each other's hands again, and the preacher pronounces us husband and wife.

Peter dips me as we kiss, and I gasp in surprise.

We press our noses together. "I love you." he whispered.

"I love you too."

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