Chapter 2

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Connie may have missed his alarm and gotten fired from his job, but today was the day he met Sapphire Shores. Why was this important you may ask? Well don't stop reading now, you'll find out soon enough.

Buck rode like the wind and Connie gripped Sapphi's waist tight. He hated riding...

"How soon until we get to Carrington?!" Connie called over the voice of the wind. It tickled his collarbone, the lapel of his brocade flapping all about. It was cold, and Connie wished he had a jacket. Maybe they could stop by the shopping district after his errand in Council Hall.

"Oh, very soon lad, don't worry!" Sapphi laughed, throwing his head back into the wind.

"Keep your eyes on the road!" Connie winced as Buck jumped over a tall rock and he felt his stomach fall.

"Never!" Sapphi laughed into the wind and Connie tried to laugh with him. All he could manage was a nervous chuckle. "I'm only playing you know," he called over his shoulder to Connie. Connie's nerves were shock with anxiety every time Sapphi took his eyes off the road in front of him.

"You're making my heart race!"

"A racing heart is good for you! It means to never look back, to always keep moving forward in whatever endeavor. For a challenge is not a challenge but only a means to improve oneself. So when your heart beats fast, take it as a sign that you are doing something right!" Sapphi encouraged him and he couldn't help but crack a small smile. He nuzzled his head into the crook of Sapphi's back and he felt a little more comfortable.

Finally, Sapphi announced, "We are here."

It was good to be off that horse. Buck was a little more wild than he had appeared in the stables. He had appeared calm then. Connie shook himself off. "When we are done here, I would like to buy myself a new jacket. I am freezing."

"The autumn breeze blows brisk my fellow friend," Sapphi spoke in riddles and tongues, and Connie felt he liked that about the golden haired boy.

The steps were frigid as ice as they climbed up them and the two boys felt a sense of foreboding. Why did they get such a cold and empty feeling as they ascended the steps? This was the House of the Duchess yonder, and both were fearful she would be home. Quite metaphorically, as it was not her residence but her place of business. They both knew how she inclined towards anger. It was ironic how she oh so loved her water magic and hated fire magic when she was a hothead herself.

"Do not abash," said Sapphi as he opened the door and held it for his friend. "For I am here, and I will defend you from devilry." he smiled wide at me and Connie gave him a smile back.

"I like the way you talk, you know that?" Connie said to him.

"Most people do, it is a talent." he beamed proudly.

"I wish I could be half as jovial as you," Connie told him.

"You can be at once! The moment we fill out the requisition and you receive your writ of permission paperwork."

"Why I need permission is beyond me," said Connie, grumbling. "That doctor should've just prescribed it."

Sapphi clapped his hands together as they strode across the marble floor and toward the front desk, "High Counselor Spadro signed a bill into law declaring Whistle Reed illegal unless you had explicit government permission. I do so hope the Duchess doesn't make you go through such a harrowing process as it is."

"Harrowing?" Connie narrowed his eyes at him.

"Oh don't even worry about it! It may be long and tedious, but it is entirely worth the effort!"

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