Chapter 8

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"Have you seen my apartment?" Connie asked. He was slow to it, bashful. He felt awkward asking Sapphi over, but he had worked up the courage to as they rode out of town.You see, tonight would be the night Connie's dream came true. He was falling hard in love if you hadn't noticed. Sapphi was happy to oblige of course.

"No, I don't think I have. Why, mister? Asking me over?"

"Yeah...I think I am!" Connie poked Sapphi in the back of the head. They were riding on Buck out to Carrington, it was time to turn in the acquittance form and fill out the requisition. Then he'd be on his way to receiving a medical writ.

They approached the window in the medical department when they got there. There was a line they had to wait in and Sapphi whistled a tune as they waited. An old lady with curly, fuzzy, gray hair walked up to them with a bowl. "Hello, would you care for a free lollipop?" she offered the bowl, showing the candy inside.

"Would I?!" Sapphi leapt forward, super excited.

"Would you?"

"Would I?!"

"Would you?"

"Would I?!"

"Would you?"

"Would I what??" Sapphi cocked his head, looking confused all of a sudden.

"Care for a free lollipop?"

"Would I?!" Sapphi reached forward.

"Would you?"

"Would I?!" he grabbed a lollipop and Connie groaned.

"Would you?" Connie asked.

"That I would, thank you. Would you, dear Connie?" Sapphi had a blue one and a red one.


"Which one would you like?" the lady had moved on by now and Sapphi was holding the lollipops out in each hand. Red in his right and blue in his left. Connie picked the blue one. "Good choice, I love those ones. I also love the red ones, so don't worry." Sapphi winked and Connie shrugged. Finally, it was their turn.

"Hello, what can I help you fellows out with today?" asked the man seated behind the desk.

Connie handed him the acquittance and a small coin purse. "Does this about cover it?" the man was weighing it in his hand.

"I think it should, but I've got a scale around here somewhere. I trust you though. Here, let me get you the requisition form to fill out." he got up from his seat and disappeared into the offices.

"Well, this is fun." Sapphi was licking at his lollipop and smiling brightly at Connie. Connie couldn't help but smile back. He was glad Sapphi was here doing this with him.

"It's more fun when it's with you," Connie told him. He immediately regretted it and his face flushed furiously.

"Aww, how cute!" Sapphi leaned forward and kissed Connie on the cheek. "Your face is red hot by the way."

"Your face is hot!" Connie murmured.

"Why thank you."

The man had come back and he was passing a couple slips of paper to Connie. "I'll need you to fill this out to the best of your knowledge and sign your name in a few places. If he is helping you he'll need to sign too. There's a spot for that!"

"I dunno if I'll need his help, but we'll keep it in mind," Connie nodded and took the paper. He kept the lollipop in his mouth and he and Sapphi went to sit down. There was a row of tables with ink and quills scattered on them and Connie picked one up. Yeah, okay, this part was the boring part but it is completely necessary.

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