Chapter 9

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Connie woke up in the arms of another. He felt all warm and fuzzy inside. He had never experienced an emotion like this, an intense feeling of purity. He might not have ever felt it, but he did know that he liked it. He snuggled up closer to Sapphi, trying to be as near as possible. He didn't think it was possible to be any closer.

Sapphi gave a soft murmur, the cutest little peep Connie had ever heard. He smiled to himself, hoping not to wake Sapphi. He wondered what the cuddling meant, what their relationship now was. Had they moved past friendship? Connie's head spun round and round like a horse on a carousel. He was confused, and it gave him mixed emotions. He didn't wanna feel like he was taking advantage of Sapphi. Oh, why did he suddenly feel so awful?

He rolled over and poked at Sapphi. Sapphi blinked his eyes and gave a little sneeze. Connie had to smile, it was yet another cute noise the neko boy had made in one morning. "Why have you forsaken me?" Sapphi intoned.

"What do you mean, mister, you don't have to be so dramatic!"

"I am always dramatic. You know, I once tried out fora school play!"

"Oh, and I'm sure that turned out well."

"It did not, in fact," Sapphi told him.

"I woke you because I felt wrong somehow." Connie rolled over, shrugging out of Sapphi's arms.

"Oh, but I did so like holding you."

"I don't want to take advantage of our friendship!" Connie pouted.

"Oh, so we're friends are we?" Sapphi asked, sounding frustrated.

Connie turned his head and made eye contact with his counterpart, "As opposed to what, exactly?"

"I was hoping we had moved past that by now." Sapphi bit his lip, looking quite uncomfortable. Had Connie put him in a position of discomfort? He was sorry.

"I...I am scared..." Connie was honest.

"Scared of what?" Sapphi was incredulous. He had a look of horror on his face, pure shock at what Connie had said.

"I don't know. I might be scared of what people think." Connie crossed his arms and turned away from Sapphi, staring at the curtains around the window. His heart thumped hard.

"I think Counselor Spadro has set the precedent for that," Sapphi said, touching Connie's back. Oh, how Connie liked the feeling so. He murmured.

Then he closed his eyes, "I'm scared of ruining...this."

"This??" Sapphi was a bit confused. He stopped tracing Connie's back. Connie immediately missed Sapphi's fingertips.

"What we have. Our friendship."

"Oh, we shall still be the bestest of friends, even if we are something more, of that you can be assured," Sapphi announced proudly and pulled Connie in close for more cuddles. He wanted the other boy to start feeling less anxious and more happy.

Connie let himself soften into the embrace. He liked being held by Sapphi just as much as Sapphi liked holding him. He hoped he never let him go. "So...we're boyfriends?"

"If you would like to be, I would like that very much," Sapphi said happily. Connie was once again reminded how he liked the way he talked.

"Then I would too." Connie grinned. He had a boyfriend! Love, something he had never thought he'd find. Did he even really deserve it?

Yes, of course, Connie deserved it, but it was something he was still yet to discover. Don't worry, for Sapphi would take him down that road too. Every day was a new adventure, and today the adventure was love.

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