Chapter 6

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You might think this situation is dire, and it very well might be. But Miss Mackwood was a very powerful hedgewitch and she was formulating a plan at this very moment. Connie and Sapphi might be scared right now, and Connie might be wishing he had never gotten out of bed, but meeting Miss Mackwood would change his life for the better, you best be assured of that.

"Connie, now is the time to put your powers to the test." Miss Mackwood announced, jolting Connie. He spun around and stared at her like she was a toad.

He jumped up, throwing up one hand and shaking it, "You want me to do what exactly?" he was bug eyed, not quite believing what he was hearing.

"Oh yes, I want you to go out there and battle those wolves."

"Oh, I see! Yes, I agree, Connie, battle the wolves!" Sapphi had gotten up and was jumping up and down.

"You guys must be insane!" Connie wanted to leave, but what was worse, the wolves outside or the psychopaths inside? Probably the wolves, he thought, probably.

"Don't worry, dear friend, I will help you!" Sapphi had one finger in the air and a wide smile on his face.

"You want to face evil werewolves?" Connie stared at him.


"I'll give you a reward if you can keep the cottage safe while I repair the wards."

"What kind of reward?"

"The kind that would pay your rent," Miss Mackwood winked.

"I suppose..."

"Good then!" and the witch bustled him out the door. He had little choice now and he looked over to Sapphi, feeling quite relieved he wasn't alone.

"I would never leave your side," said Sapphi. "Now, I wanna see some fire magic. You still got that fire stone?"

Connie felt for the stone in his pocket, feeling its smooth surface. "Yeah."

"Good. Use it to enhance you magic even more." Sapphire gave a goofy smlie and they approached the mist together.

The mist swirled, and a shape appeared. A wolf came out of the mist. "Back, beast!" Sapphi threw his hand out, Casting, and flames licked the wolf. The wolf jumped back, yelping. Another wolf appeared from the mist and Connie stepped forward.

"Sapphi, watch out!" he thrust his hands out, Casting up a batch of water magic powerful enough to shove the wolf away. It was growling angrily, most likely not appreciating getting wet.

"Thank you, Connie, but why aren't you using your fire magic?"

In all honesty, Connie was scared to use his magic. He knew it was frowned upon to use fire magic. He couldn't bring himself to do it. That was until Sapphi cheered him on. "I believe in you, Connie Terrance. Even if you don't believe in yourself. The people of this gods forsaken town may hate us, but let me tell you now, I do not hate you."

"Th-thank you, I guess..." that gave Connie the willpower he needed to call upon the School of Powers fire. He put his hand out, calling on a Casting circle, something he had been taught in school, and let it spin to the ancient Yradellian symbol for fire. then he called on a Trace, opening another magic circle and letting it spin to water. He used the Trace to connect the two elements together, something that he had taught himself to do. It was like tying your shoes, it was simple once you knew the mechanics of it.

The water sprayed forth, carrying with it a roaring fire. It lashed out like a thick whip, soaking and burning at the same time. It was large and hit both wolves at the same time. They both yelped and jumped back. "That's it boys! You've almost got them." Miss Mackwood called.

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