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"I want you to get started immediately. I'll write up a formal schedule for you boys but in the meantime, this evening is your first day. That it is indeedy!" Miss Mackwood had her hands on her hips and she was staring down at Connie who was seated in one of the chairs at Miss Mackwood's dining room table. Sapphi was standing next to him, his hand resting on the back of the chair.

"Miss Mackwood! I had a question." Sapphi rose his hand like he was in class.

"Yes, Sapphire, what is it, mi boy?"

"I wanted to bring Connie here with us on one of our research trips."

Miss Mackwood had to stop and ponder. She leaned on the table in the kitchen, then tilted her head and ran a hand through her wild hair. "Is not he a wander?" she asked finally. Connie was afraid of that, and yet at the same time he was relieved.

"I know he dropped out of school, but he has expressed interest in returning!"

"Well then. Until he has registered for at least one class at the School of Practical Arts and has the endorsement of a professor, just as you do young lad, he shall not accompany us on any such endeavors. It is much too dangerous and he simply is not qualified!" Miss Mackwood patted Sapphi on the head and he blinked with each pat.

"It's completely okay, I understand," Connie said.

"Very good!"

Sapphi stamped a foot, taking a tall and proud stance, "No it is not completely okay and not very good. I promise here and now that I shall do everything in my power to get Connie Terrance, my boyfriend, back into school."

"Everything, you say?" Miss Mackwood had one brow raised in amusement.

"Absolutely everything!" Sapphi thrust a finger into the air. Connie put a hand over his face.


"Can you believe her?" Sapphi asked heatedly. He had been going on and on about how Miss Mackwood wouldn't let Connie go on a research expedition with them and how angry he was about it. Oh boy did Connie surely know how angry Sapphire Shores was about it.

"Well, if it will make you happy, I shall let you help me get back into school." Connie proposed.

"Let you? Let you?!" Sapphi was incredulous. "You shall be doing no letting for rest assured, I will get you into the School of Practical Arts whether you want me to or not."

"I kinda would rather or not..." Connie mumbled incoherently and Sapphi put a hand next to his ear.

"What was that? Speak up." Connie knew Sapphi had heard him.

They were nearing Connie's street when Connie noticed a white sun hat bobbing in the crowd. He got the oddest feeling from seeing it, like he had seen it before. But the feeling passed when the hat disappeared. Sapphi continued to rant about Miss Mackwood, but by then Connie had tuned him out.

They stopped in front of Connie's apartment where Connie waited for Sapphi to tie Buck down. "I wish I had a horse," Connie muttered to himself.

"Then save up! Like I did. You know Miss Mackwood will pay you well or I would not have suggested you ask her for a job." Sapphi said.

"I know...I'm just really bad at spending money. It gives me a really bad feeling."

"Saving up will give you a really good feeling. I know it surely did me!" Sapphi slung an arm around Connie's shoulder as he unlocked the gate. He had that goofy smile on his face again, the one Connie loved.

A gust of wind blew some leaves across the way and Connie shivered, autumn was surely hinting at a harsh winter. "You ever get the feeling you're being watched?"

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