Chapter 7

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Connie was lying in bed with his arms wrapped around another boy. He had his hands tangled in his hair and their mouths were pressed together. Their tongues were locked in a dance. Connie's fingers nuzzled the other boy's kitty cat ears, and there came a vibration throughout the whole boy's body and he made a "Mrrrrrw," sound against Connie's lips.
He seemed to like getting scritches behind his ears and Connie found it quite amusing. He kept doing it, whispering, "You like that?" it was Sapphi in bed with him and he was squirming in pleasure.
That is until Connie closed his eyes and the other boy faded away. When next he opened his eyes he was alone in his bed, awake to the next morning. Connie groaned and shifted his legs against the tent in his pants. He really wished he hadn't woken up so soon. He had been having such a wonderful dream. A dream he wished he could make reality.
That's when he decided to go visit Sapphi. He slowly got up, sitting up and groaning. He stretched as he opened the drawer beside his bed and pulled out an undershirt. He put it on and found a button-up shirt to wear. It was a red plaid one. He also found a necktie and wondered to himself if he should wear it too. He didn't wanna look too fancy, he was just going to visit a friend. He put it on anyway. Next, he found himself a pair of black pants and put on his shoes.
Outside, he was eating a piece of toast as he waited for the taxi carriage. It crunched in his mouth and he chewed as he jingled the coins in his pocket, his fare. The yellow and black checked carriage pulled up to its spot and Connie hopped in, his heart soaring with the prospect of going to see Sapphi. He hoped he could surprise his friend and make his day. Little did Connie know it would be Sapphi who made his.
They pulled into the drive of the Derbyshire Country Estates and Connie tossed the coin purse at the driver as he jumped out. He waved as he ran toward the manor and the driver pulled away, the horses whinnying. He entered the big house and immediately bumped into a fat woman wearing thick gowns. He bounced right off her and landed flat on his butt.
"Oh my, miss, I am so sorry!" Connie gasped, a wide eyed deer.
"How dare you! Do you know who I am?" she bellowed.
It was Sapphi who saved him. "Ma'am, forgive him, he must not have seen you."
"You flatter me, Sapphire Shores. Very well." the woman blushed and fanned herself off with a small paper fan she was carrying. On it was printed a design of fluttering butterflies. She moved away and Sapphi appeared. His ears were twitching and he was smiling down at Connie.
"You just met the mistress!" Sapphi held a hand out to Connie.
"Plump one..." Connie muttered as he accepted the proffered hand and pushed himself off the floor as Sapphi lifted him.
Sapphi laughed, "Ha ha! She really is. Very observant you." Sapphi twirled Connie and Connie was dizzy as a top as he faced the door. Sapphi began pushing him out. "You didn't have to come here, but I am very glad you did. You're looking rather smart by the way."
"Thank you, and why's that?" Connie's head spun as things moved fast as they always did with Sapphi. Sapphi led him to the stable and they found Buck amidst a few other horses.
"Because today I plan to make good on my promise. Can't leave one unchecked, no that would be very bad of me." Sapphi spoke as he prepped Buck's saddle.
"What promise?" Connie was more than a little confused.
Sapphi stopped what he was doing suddenly and lifted a finger, "I could buy you a new pair of shoes, and I'd do it for an absolute cutie. Lest you forget." he then went right back to working on the saddle.
"Do you need help?"
"No need, Connie Terrance, I am all done." Sapphi was already climbing up into the saddle and he was patting the spot behind him, gesturing for Connie to join him. Connie groaned, hating riding of course.
"You really do not need to take me shopping."
"Your shoes do not match your outfit, I do apologize for my bluntness." Sapphi stuck his tongue out and Connie climbed up.
"I know they don't..." Connie pursed his lips and stared down at his swinging foot. His shoe was in tatters, just like the other one on the other foot.
"Waiting for the other shoe to drop?" Sapphi giggled and said, "Yah," as Buck burst from the stable.
"Is there another shoe?"
"There will be when we get to my favorite clothing store!" Sapphi called over the wind. Did they have to go so fast?
"And what store is that?" Connie asked, his stomach turning and he nuzzled his head into Sapphi's back. He felt the other boy purr.
"Cabernet's Cobble and Haberdashery," Sapphi replied."Isn't that place expensive?"
Sapphi paused, seeming to ponder the question for a moment. They were now entering the Township, passing by the brown brick buildings all squished together. They were in the small canyon of shops and eateries and Connie smelled a yummy scent as they slowed down. "It is a shop fit for the middle class." Sapphi finally said. "Hungry?"
"Hungry?" Connie lifted his head and ogled at Sapphi.
"I felt your stomach growl. Are you eating breakfast, mister?"
"You worry too much," Connie replied.
"I worry just the right amount. We're stopping." Sapphi pulled back on Buck's reins and the horse slowed to a stop. Connie was relieved to finally be getting off, but he didn't want Sapphi to pay for his breakfast. Especially not at some fancy corner cafe.
Too bad that was exactly what Sapphi intended. There they were at Sundry Cafe and Eatery, a few tables with umbrellas, all closed but for one. The sign outside said, "Welcome!" in fancy script and listed the specials of the day. "This is exactly what we need." Sapphi stretched when he hopped off the horse.
"What's that, exactly?" Connie eyed him.
"A date!" Sapphi booped Connie on the nose and Connie blushed furiously. He hadn't expected that answer at all.Was his dream coming true? "A d-date?" but Sapphi was no longer paying attention. He strolled up to the cafe, where a hostess greeted them."Hello, and what can I do for you two this fine morning?" she smiled, inclining her head.
"Table for two, please," Sapphi proclaimed and she nodded, leading them inside."Right this way!"
"You really don't have to!" Connie tried to protest, but he should've known it was no use with Sapphire. Despite his dream that morning, Connie was starting to feel ambivalent. He felt guilty to let the other boy buy them both breakfast, but his pockets were emptied that morning by the carriage ride and the rest of his money was being saved for the coming rent. His face continued to blush."You are red as a tomato," Sapphi pointed out as they sat down.
"I know, and I am trying not to be." Connie hid his face with the menu, but Sapphi put a hand on the top and lowered it.
"You don't have to try any harder, I think you look rather cute." he grinned. It only served to make Connie blush more.
Their server appeared and with a notepad in hand, she asked, "Do you boys know what you would like?"
"I would like some eggs, sunny side up over toast with a side of bacon, please and thank you." Sapphi beamed at her.
"So polite!" she crooned and Connie narrowed his eyes at her. "And for you?"
"Scrambled eggs please."
"Any sides?"
"Get him some bacon and sausage!" Sapphi said, his voice excited.
"Oh no, you really don't have to—!"
"I insist," Sapphi interrupted him.
"Sounds good, I'll be back with that in a bit! Anything to drink?"
"I'll just take some water," Connie said.
"Milk for me!" Sapphi called and the waitress wandered off.
"You don't have to do all this for me you know." Connie felt cornered.
Sapphi said, "I know, but I want to. You've never been spoiled before, have you?"
"My family isn't exactly rich. My mother was always having to buy us second hand items and hand me down clothes."
"You must've learned to appreciate what you have rather quickly then! I take so many things for granted..." Sapphi chewed on his lip.
"I don't know. Sometimes I wish I could have what everyone else has, but I know I have to work for it. Then I realize that I really don't want to have to work for it."
"So you're left with tattered shoes instead." for the third time since meeting him, he saw Sapphi frown. It looked like it really hurt the boy to see Connie in such a state of disarray.
Eventually, their plates were brought out to them. Connie scarfed his down, feeling rather famished. He usually only ate once or twice a day, not healthy he knew, but all he could afford sometimes. Maybe with the new job he'd be able to afford more. He was grateful to Sapphi at any rate.
They made their way to the Haberdashery on the next bend and Sapphi tied Buck down. "I nearly forgot I told you I'd get you a new jacket too."
"Please, only shoes, Sapphi, you've already bought me breakfast."
"You don't have to feel guilty, I want to do this for you."
"You've already done so much..."
They entered the store and the man at the counter was seated and working on a shoe. He was busily reconstructing the sole, and he paused in his work to look up and smile. "Hello! Feel free to come get me if you need help."
"Cabernet! It's me, Sapphi!"
"Sapphi, oh my, so sorry I didn't recognize you right away!" his face flushed.
"No troubles at all!"
"What brings you by?"
"I'm here to find some new shoes for my friend, Connie, and perhaps a new jacket if it's not too expensive," Sapphi told him."Oh, with that style, I've got just the thing. Give me a moment!"
Connie was wandering around, staring at all the shoes he knew he could never afford. Then he looked to Sapphi and smiled. He really was grateful, and if Sapphi didn't want him to be guilty he would try his best not to be. He calmed himself, breathing in through his nose and out through his mouth. He did this a few times, his heart rate gradually slowing.
He felt a hand on his shoulder, and Sapphi was rubbing him, "Are you okay, friendo?"
"I'm trying to be." Connie gasped, and he relaxed into the back massage.
"You're doing a very good job. It seems you almost had a fright!"
"A fright?"
"I get them sometimes, Dr. Fenro tells me it is good to breathe and drink water," Sapphi informed him. "Cabernet, do you have any water?"
"I'll get some at once!" he called and got up, disappearing into the back room.
Connie turned to Sapphi and smiled. "Thank you so much."
"It is no problem at all."
That's when Connie leaned forward suddenly, grabbing at Sapphi's waist and pulling him into a deep kiss. Connie couldn't hold it back any longer. It was the first time he had initiated a kiss with Sapphi and he couldn't help himself. He parted Sapphi's lips and their tongues met.
Connie's eyes burst open, "I'm so sorry!" Connie had jumped back and had nearly knocked over a mannequin.
"Don't be sorry, you're an excellent kisser." Sapphi giggled.
Cabernet finally came back with some water and a pair of black slip on shoes. "These would do nicely for any occasion, and here's that water you asked for." Connie took the water and sipped it gingerly. He wasn't feeling bad anymore, in fact quite good. That kiss had taken his breath away but in a good way. He felt like a pound of gold.
"I like them," Connie commented offhandedly.
"Then try them on and see if they fit," Sapphi prompted. Connie did so. They had to try a couple different pairs before finding the right size but eventually they did. Then Cabernet found Connie a brown jacket to wear over his button-up shirt. Overall the price was 130 gold pieces, a little much to Connie, but the cheapest they were going to find. Connie was satisfied.
"See, not so bad, huh?" Sapphi asked as they walked out.
"No, not at all. Not at all."

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