Chapter 5

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Connie awoke feeling the most refreshed he had in the longest of times. His eyelids fluttered open and for the first time in forever, he felt like he could face the day head on. He was especially excited to see Sapphi today, knowing just how amazing yesterday had been.

A sudden feeling of dread came over him then and his whole mood changed. Pulling a pillow over his head he just wanted to go back to sleep. Why you may ask? Connie thought of the job search and how Sapphi had wanted to take him to see Miss Mackwood.

Miss Mackwood, you see, was a hedgewitch that lived on the edge of town. She was an outcast, a wander, who had tried to go through school in the field of fire. When she had been dabbling in the art and burnt down an arcane science section hall she had been kicked out of class and thrown out of town. Many people didn't like fire and Miss Mackwood's failures had only gone to prove them ever more right.

Many described her as eccentric. Connie was afraid of what that might mean. He imagined a crazy old croon with raggedy gray hair and a dusty broom. No one actually flew on brooms, least alone witches, but Connie could easily picture an old lady on a broomstick in the sky. That scared him.

"Uggghhh..." he groaned, now wishing the day had never come.

That's when there was a tippity-tap on the window and Connie's head burst from his pillows. His pillows exploded away from him and he looked out toward the sky. A pebble struck the glass and Connie blinked.

"Connie! Connie Terrance!" another pebble struck the glass and Sapphi's voice drifted up to him.

Connie dragged himself out of bed, opening the window just as another pebble was sailing past. Luckily it did not hit him and instead went flying into the room, clattering somewhere on the wood floor.

"Why hello there, Sapphire Shores! What brings you throwing pebbles at my window so early?" Connie called down to the boy in the witch hat. A witch hat, imagine that!

"We are going to see Miss Mackwood," Sapphi stated, knowing exactly how he wanted this day to go. Connie had feared that answer from the depths of his heart.

"Miss Mackwood you say...?" Connie groaned and looked around for a shirt. He supposed he'd just have to roll with Sapphi's antics. "Give me a moment, I shall be right down."

"Good, I brought biscuits. Get em while they're hot!" Sapphi giggled and returned to his horse.

Today is the day Connie will meet Miss Mackwood. Whether he wants to or not. To Connie, it's against his will. But to Sapphi, it's for his own good. For you see, meeting Miss Mackwood might just be the best thing that will ever happen to Connie, besides meeting Sapphi of course. Sapphi will always take the number one spot.

"Now where's a damn shirt?" Connie gritted his teeth and opened a dresser drawer. A mouse was sitting inside the drawer, fine as could be, until a giant disturbed its resting place. It squeaked its annoyance and moved on, hopping out to find a hiding hole somewhere else.

Connie shook his head and pulled out an undershirt. He slipped it on and looked for a buttoned brocade to wear on top of it. He wanted to at least make the best impression with a potential employer, even if that potential employer was a scary witch.

After finding a pair of pants and hopping on one foot to pull them on, he spun around, heading for the door to the right of the desk. That's when he stepped on the pebble. "By all the gods!" he cursed beneath his breath and grabbed at his poor foot. He kicked the pebble under the bed.

Next, he ran downstairs. He felt his stomach rumble as he slipped on his shoes. Good thing Sapphi had biscuits.

He greeted his friend and reached into the basket hanging from Buck's saddle. "Hungry much?" Sapphi asked as Connie gobbled it down. "You're like a wolf!"

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