°☆《 A Rainy Day 》☆°

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》 A Makoto Naegi x Gender 《
Neutral Reader

Hey :) -Y/N <3

Makoto <3 - Hi <3

Wanna go for a walk in the park -Y/N

Makoto <3 - Sure one sec

♡~ A Few Moments Later ~♡

You suddently heard someone knocking on the door. When you open the door you see the lovable brown hair dork smiling wide. Makoto smiled and caught you with ease when you jumped into his arms. Let's go for a walk you smile after he let you go kissing his cheek and then holding his hand. Swinging your hands with his you two eventually made it to the park. After walking around for awhile, while sneaking quick glances at your brown haired boyfriend. You suddenly felt some droplets of water fall on your head. "Did you feel that" you asked your boyfriend, "feel what" he asked. Before you could answer him more rain started to come down and suddenly it was pouring. You and Makoto run hand in hand through the park trying to get back to the school dorms. By the time you two are drenched and sneezing. "Well that was fun" you laughed while walking into Makoto's dorm. "We still need to study for that test tomorrow" Makoto reminded you, while you just gave a small frown in return. "Don't remind me" you groaned, hugging his waist. "You're so cute" he said taking your hands in his. "Than-thank yo-you" you stuttered out while your face burned a bright pink from embarrassment, meanwhile his cheeks seemed to be tinted with a little pink too. Makoto suddenly leaned down and pecked your lips turning your face even more pink than possible. He just gave a little cute goofy smile in response. You then composed yourself and ruffled his now wet messy hair. "I love you" you mumbled just loud enough for him to hear you. "I LOVE YOU TOO" he said enthusiastically. You just stayed in the middle of Makoto's room drenched and hugging.

♡~ The End ~♡

( Y/N is your name)

(336 words)

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