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We were heading to the office to get our scheds with Brandon who volunteered to be our "tourguide" but I know better. Brandon is one hell of a gossiper.

He's gonna bombard us questions like 'So the Alpha sent you here?' or 'What seems to be the problem?' or something like that.

Well, the questioning came a little sooner than my liking. We conversed telepathically.

"So.... What has been going on? Why is it I am not included?" Brandon said

"Ask the Alpha, not me. Or us." I said

"Maybe Alpha Lucas thinks you're too nosy to be included." Iven butt in

"Har har. Anyways Luke, I really am part of the plan. Look for those bloody witches and all but wait! There's more! Aunt Jane said that you are gonna post as a son of a very good friend of my parents so that means you'll move into my house temporarily. My parents are all for it." Brandon said

"Hell no." I said

"Too bad you can't have any say about the subject. Uncle Lucas agreed to this. Or shall I say.... Alpha Lucas."

"Boooo!!!!" The boys said all at once.

"It can't be that bad. We can have up all nights and more. I'm sure Aunt Cathy and Uncle John won't mind." Iven said energetically.

"Yeah! Why not start tonight?!" Brandon shouted.

"Yeah!" The boys cheered and I groaned. I am stuck living with my cousin for like, until I find out who those withches are. This is gonna be a loooooonnng year.


I'm really all for Luke staying at our house but I've got a little problem. Iris.

I'm sure she'll be fine someone else will be staying at home but I'm pretty sure she'll flip out when she realizes that that person'll sleep with us in our room.

I can already hear her complains, "...having you sleep where I sleep is bad enough without another boy sleeping here too..."

Jeez. That girl values her privacy too much.


Finally. Last subject's over. This is the only class that Iven, Luke, Jayden and I are classmates.

"Guys, faster. We need to meet Iris in her locker and tell her about Luke. Oh and please, please, please. Go with me. I need all the moral support I can get. Please." I really hate it when I'm begging.

They laughed at me and said yes. At least they said yes right?

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