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As days turned into weeks, our group became tightly knit. We helped each other in everything we do. We do some rule.breakings and stupid things sometimes and its usually Iris who gets us out of mess or detention through her reasonings and her sweet talks. She should really be a lawyer someday.


We are currently in our favorite spot in the forest to cool down since the training literally took all of our energy.

"Looks like your little sister took a walk in the forest alone Luke."

And there is Aurora right below where we are staying. I looked at her lovingly when I smelled something that made me growl.

"Witch." And sure enough, there appeared a witch in front of Aurora who automatically tookba step back.

"Your scent is so strong. Mmm... you'll do great honey, your blood is special and it will empower me more" she advanced at my sister and I dont know what kept me frozen in place.

"Do you have anything important to do but to hunt innocent werewolf children, bitch?"

I know that voice and so does my friends. I look at the girl wearing black tight jeans and black sleeveless blouse that hugged her in the right places leaning at a tree trunk casually.

"Look here girlie, why dont you watch and learn. If your lucky you can share with me." The witch said

"Touch her Olga and you'll regret why your dad forgot to put condom before burying his flashdrive in your mom's USB port that resulted your existance." Iris said. If the situation in not serious, I would have laughed at that USB comment.

"You always care for these bastards making me doubt where your loyalties really lie Iris." With that, she grabbed Aurora and Iris growled.

"Let her go Olga. Dont test me."

"I want to Iris." Aurora screamed but no sound came out.

"Stop it." Iris said through gritted teeth.

"Make me."

"You asked for it." Before I get to blink, Iris is on Olga ripping her arm off my sister. The fight was intense and so far, Iris is winning. Before I knew it, Iris had her dagger in Olga's throat.

"Cant do it Iris?" Olga taunted

"I can Olga, just that I dont want to."

"Weak." Olga spat

"Its not being weak. Its giving you another chance to change your life. It is never too late to change." Iris removed her dagger, got off Olga and went to Aurora who is trembling in fear. "Its alright apple, your safe. What is your name?"


"Nice name but you know what, Aurora, you shouldn't go into the forest alone. You never know what evil lurks in the woods."

I want to scream at her that Olga is advancing on her, posing to kill.

"Call me Rainbow, Aurora. Say, can you sing me a lullaby and no matter what, just listen to your voice, nothing else and close your eyes and think of great things, okay?," Aurora nodded, "Good. Start singing now, apple. Do what I said."

Aurora sang a creepy song and Iris stood up abruptly startling Olga and they started a deadly dance. Olga striked, missing Iris' face an inch. Iris managed to wound Olga in the shoulder and creepily started to sing with Aurora. The fight would have gone forever if Iris had not made up her mind to just stake Olga in the heart. It is clear that Iris is reluctant to kill Olga and the wounds she had inflicted is not so deep. Maybe Aurora's ocassional sniffs while singing the lullaby made up her mind. One hard thrust and the witch's breathing stopped. Iris put her dagger back in its place while going back to Aurora.

"Its okay now Aurora. Its me. Rainbow. Your friend? Olga wont hurt you anymore, apple." Aurora stopped singing and opened her tear-filled eyes. "Stop crying now apple. Your fine. What would your mom say if you go home crying. Hush now." She said while wiping my sister's tears. I couldn't be more grateful. My sister is safe is the only thought that is running in my head.

"Will you stay with me?" Aurora asked

"For now apple. But I cant stay long. Your people will get the wrong idea. Agh."

"You got stabbed. Because of me. I'm sorry."

"Its not your fault apple and its not like I havent been stabbed before." Iris let out a deep sigh and faced Aurora, "I have to do this little one. Sorry. But know that I will not forget you and I'll be looking after you. You wont forget me entirely apple but you will remember what happened like a dream of a dream."

"What are you talking about?" Aurora looked so confused at the moment.

"Stay safe apple." Iris kissed her forehead and Aurora's eyes dropped and fell fast asleep. Iris laid her beside a tree so she can lean on it. She conjured an apple and placed it on Aurora's little hands. Iris stood up and faced where we are stood frozen. My heart beats fast when she met my gaze. She walked backwards slowly and I so badly want to scream at to stay.

"Turn the day into night and make the night into day. Let the rusted shine and to complete the week, take two from nine. Seven to complete a week, twelve to have a year. Do as I command and let the frozen move." Right after Iris whispered those words we were unfrozen and my first thought was to run after her. Her voice that sounded far but I can still hear stopped me, "Take your sister and dont follow me. Do not speak of what I have done to others. I trust you."

I looked back at Iven, Jayden and Brandon. The shock on their faces mirroring mine. There are a lot of questions running in our heads but there are some things that are clear to us;

1. Iris is a witch

2. We might have found the two powerful witches we are looking for and

3. Not all witches are bad

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