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< jhnnysuh >

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< jhnnysuh >

today at:


yes, what is it johnnyyyyy~~~

does jaehyun dislike me

*choke choke choke*
do you think he doesn't like you?

im not sure but i've always
been good at reading people
i get that 'i don't really want
to talk to u but im doing it
because i'm being forced to'
aura from him whenever we

oh shit|
really? no i don't think he dislikes you
or anything. maybe you're overthinking

mmmmm maybe
i'm getting a little anxious around
him nowadays
like what if i annoy him??
i'm trying to make myself likeable

you're already likeable as is, johnny.
sure you're a little... eh- pessimistic
and everything but everyone is in someway.

ah ig ure right
sorry for bugging u ehe

noooo it's fine!
i like talking to you, it's fun.

pffff ure joking

no, i'm really not.

well that's the first

cjeicneofm you need to try and be
more confident in yourself. people
like confident people. i'm sure it'll be
easier to receive compliments too.

ehhh i'm not bothered being confident

that makes no complete sense.

i just feel like if i act confident
ppl'll think im full of myself or
something idk

nooooo- that's not it. at all.
being confident is way different, johnny.
look, okay...
how would you respond to a compliment like...
"you look really handsome today."

'i'm not but thanks'

okay okay.......
a confident person, like jaehyun, would say:
'oh thank you!'


if you take out the 'i'm not' or whatever,
you'll seem less..... pessimistic.

sunflower 🌻, johnjae [ ✔ ]Where stories live. Discover now