From The Author

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One of the worst tragedies that can happen to a person is having to believe a lie. Why do I say this? because our actions are a result of our beliefs and Ideologies.

The devil who is the father of lies goes around blinding people to the truth just as he did to Jack and Caroline. It was the devil who made them believe that God hated them. That was contrary to God's word. There are so many places in the Bible where God tells us of His unending love, even to the sinner. Jesus came to earth to seek and save the sinner. We thank God who by His mercies, opened Jack and Caroline's eyes to the truth of His word.

Friends, I don't know what lie the devil has been telling you about life, your past, your future, God or anything at all. Please, never forget what I'm about to say. Anything you believe which is not consistent with scripture is a lie from the devil and has the tendency to destroy you. Check your beliefs and ideologies. Are they consistent with scripture? For example, someone may believe that because he always has poor grades in school, he is dull and will never have a bright future. That's a lie from the devil because it's not consistent with scripture. The Bible sys he is fearfully and wonderfully made, Psalms 139:14. Someone who is fearfully and wonderfully made can't be dull. Jeremiah 29:11 says that the plans God has for us are plans of good and not of evil. This directly contracts his belief of not having a bright future. It contradicts all the lies the devil has been telling him.

Talking about Jack Albert, I'm sure most of us disliked him after reading chapter one. Trust me, I did too. But God didn't. Look what the love of God turned his life into. There may be people around us who hurt us or who annoy us regularly. For some people, it looks like they'll never change. But the good news is that God has the power to soften every hard heart. Rather than hate these people, we should continue to pray for them bearing in mind the fact that God can change them for the better.

I grew up here in Nigeria and in most of the schools here, the rod is the main disciplinarian in the sense that if a child misbehaves, he gets a good number of strokes of the cane. My secondary school was no different. I remember a particular teacher who never condoned lateness. Anyone who came late to his class had to receive some painful strokes of the cane before being allowed into the class. Anyone who couldn't bear the pain of being flogged had to either come early or not come at all. The latter option wasn't a good one because that class was a very important revision class for our O-Level examinations. Attendance was usually taken in the class and truants always paid severely.

I will never forget the day a classmate of mine came late and was too frightened to receive her punishment. If she didn't receive the punishment, she wouldn't be allowed into the class and would miss the important revision. Also, her name wouldn't be in the attendance list and her punishment would be worse as she would be given the same punishment as the truants. That was her dilemma. I remember one of her friends who was seated in class volunteering to receive the cane on her behalf. The teacher flogged her friend instead and she was allowed to go into the class freely.

This is just an analogy but I believe it explains what Jesus has done for us. The Bible says 'The wages of sin is death.' Romans 6:23. This is not the ordinary kind of death. This is spiritual separation from God and eternal doom and damnation. This was the penalty for our sin. How did we sin? We sinned because we were in the bodies of our parents, Adam and Eve when they disobeyed God. So, we were in big trouble.

But thank God for our one true friend, the lover of out souls, Jesus, our savior who purchased salvation for us so we could freely transit from darkness to light. He took the punishment for us by dying on the cross in agony and shame. He died and gave us the victory over our adversaries who held us down. Hallelujah

Friends, please do not let Jesus' suffering for you go to waste. The only way you can be saved is by accepting his gift of salvation. You accept it by believing and confessing that Jesus is your Lord and savior and that he died for your sins. If you do, please say this prayer with me;

Lord Jesus,

Thank you for loving me and coming to earth to die for my sins.

I believe you are the son of God and my savior.

I ask you to come into my heart and be the Lord of my life.

From today I go with you forward ever and backward never.

I love you Jesus.


Congratulations If you just said that prayer. This is indeed the best thing that has or will ever happen to you. If you said this prayer, please do well to message me at . I would love to know you more and put you in my prayers.

I say thank you to all of you who have read to this point. May God continue to bless you and grant you the desires of your hearts. Thank you for all your votes and comments. I may not mention names for fear of leaving some out, but I'm very grateful to everyone who has voted and commented and also to the silent readers as I am also a silent reader. God bless you all. See you next time.

With love,

Glory. O. Orah

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