15.The Umbrella (2)

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(At Jimin's house)

(Someone knocks the door)

Jimin's pov:
(mumbling) "Dad please open the damn door! "
(Knock still didn't stop)

Jimin's pov:
"Dad...Aishhh I forgot Dad is in Mr. Kim's house,It's still 6 in the morning who could come this early maybe Dad ,Coming Coming! "

(He goes downstairs and opens the door, His jaws drop when he sees a familiar face)

Y/N's Pov:
"Hey..Good morning! "

Jimin's pov:
"Ummm.. Hey! What are you doing here this early!?"

Y/N's pov:
"To apologize for yesterday! "

Jimin's pov:
"Oh it's okay, hey... Yaa where are you going, Stop..? "

Y/N's pov:
"Umm where's your Kitchen? "

Jimin's pov:
"Over the right, but why? "

Y/N's pov:
"I brought breakfast, go wash yourself first"

Jimin's pov:
"Buttt.... "

Y/N's pov:
"No buts.. Hurry fast or else... Umm I don't know what I'll do...but now go! "

Jimin's pov:
(Laughs) "Okay I will(wait have I heard this before!?)

(Time skips)
Y/N's pov:
" Why is he so late let me check, maybe his room is upstairs. Jimin are you........Oh shit I'm so sorry I'm..."

Jimin's pov:
"Ahh.. I feel so fresh, this shirt looks better, Y/n what are... you doing... here? "

(Jimin comes out of the room)

Y/N's pov:
"I'm sorry I didn't know.... I mean I really didn't know you were shirt..less.. I mean see I.. "

Jimin's pov:
"Hey hey... Stop it right there, it's okay I know you didn't do anything okay calm down...! "

Y/N's pov:
"So..Come let's have breakfast"

Jimin's pov:
"Yeah sure! "

(After having breakfast)
(In the Hall)

Jimin's pov:
"How's the coffee? "

Y/N's pov:
"It's really amazing, wow never tasted such amazing coffee before"

Jimin's pov:
"Umm.. Really?! "

Y/n's pov:
"Really, promise!, hey that... Umbrella... "

Jimin's pov:
"Oh that one it was given by someone,this umbrella is very special and important to me! it's a long short story, why did you ask me? "

Y/N's pov:
"Ohh.. I had similar one so, who gave it? "

Jimin's pov:
"Umm..that day it was raining heavily and was umm.. It was blurry I couldn't see, but it was a girl"

Y/n's pov:
"Where?! "

Jimin's pov:
"Ahhhh why are you asking me so many questions, it's just an umbrella"

Y/N's pov:
"Just tell me already! "

Jimin's pov:
"What's wrong with you, well there's a park called " Wen Park"

Y/N's pov:
".............. So it was you!! "

Jimin's pov:
"Me...?! "

Y/N's pov:
"That umbrella is mine "

Jimin's pov:
"You mean it was...! "

Y/n's pov:
"Me.. That day I saw you sobbing in the corner I thought you were sad or something so I came up to you, Thank god I had two umbrellas that day! "

Jimin's pov:
"So.. It was you then so only I was thinking your talks are familiar, ummm.. So it's been 2 years already now I found the Unknown girl and it's none other than you! "

Y/N's pov:
(Blushes) "well I couldn't even recognize you, your condition that day was like as if though u'll die any moment! "

Jimin's pov:
(Blushing)"Well if you were not there that day maybe I would have died!, well thankyou so much! "

Y/n's pov:
"Please don't say like that!So did you forgive me yet or...? "

Jimin's pov:
"I have(smiles) you know how much I searched for you back then, I went to Wen Park like whole damn month! "

Y/n's pov:
"I'm sorry I had to go to Tokyo so I couldn't come! "

Jimin's pov:
"It's okay, oh it's almost time we need to move, I'm going to meet Kai, do you wanna come? "

Y/n's pov:
"Yeah, Umm my dad didn't do a bad choice for me though! "

Jimin's pov:

Y/n's pov:
"Your face.... "

Jimin's pov:
"What happened? "

Y/n's pov:
"It's tomato red...! " (chuckles)

Jimin's pov:
"No... I mean how can.... Ahhh, Stop laughing!"(Covers his face)

Y/n's pov:
" You're really something! "
Plz keep supporting me!!
Love you'll!

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