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Hello reader, so very nice to meet you. Thank you for choosing to join this adventure with JEZ Ghost Negotiators.

Just a small introduction to set the stage. JEZ is made up of Jessica, Elizabeth and Zakary Monet, a set of triplets that have an uncanny sibling connection. With that connection the three can communicate, not only with each other in strange and wondrous ways; but they can also communicate with the ethereal.

They discovered their gift of interconnected communication with each other at a very young age, but they realized their gift of communication with the supernatural in their teen years when they gained an interest in houses and places that claimed to be haunted.

It all began when they would visit, sometimes together, sometimes alone, for the thrill of the haunt, houses that claimed to be haunted. They would go on ghost hunts and tours and quickly realized that the ghost (if the place was indeed inhabited by something other than mortals), or whatever was going bump in the haunt, was drawn to them and in turn they could communicate with these entities.

Now, I do need to explain, it is not a normal kind of communication, like talking or touching, or anything that you would normally do as a human being, of course. It is more like sharing the consciousness of the entity on the other side, then psychically showing them the way to solve their earthly dilemma so that they can pass over, hopefully, if all goes well.

This process is a little more complicated than it sounds; because it must happen in phases.

1. When JEZ is on a case, they must first figure how, who or what the existence is? What did they do? How long have they been there? Why are they stuck there or here? This step requires a ton of research and background digging to determine: What, How, Who or Whom, Why, When, etc.; this portion of the investigation is Zakary's forte, he is a little brainy, but ultimately he has a knack for getting people to give up information that they would not normally give up with just a flash of a smile and a few complimentary words. He can also take the information and compile a hypothesis or vision of outcome that can guide the three to solving cases.

2. Secondly, they must meet the existence and understand how it is manifesting. Is it good or bad, confused, evil, protective or just existing, does it know it is there or here, can it control its interactions, is it willing to communicate, is there one entity or many? These and many more questions need to be answered and understood about the haunting before JEZ can take on a case. This is Jessica's specialty, she has an uncanny ability to mentally "see" and communicate with the ethereal, even when she is not trying. She is able to reach out with her "Third Eye" (mind's eye) and connect with the entity's consciousness. This allows her to see and interact with their visions and memories. Personally, she is a little rough around the edges when it comes to communicating with mortals, but she is the BOMB when it comes to communicating with ghosts.

3. Lastly, persuading the entity that they need to understand what is best for them. This can be the most difficult step in the process. Some if not most entities are here because they do not understand that they have passed and convincing them that they are no longer mortal and need to move on, can be quite a task. This portion takes finesse, delicate wording, and a refined ability to handle mortals and entities. This my friends would be Elizabeth in a nutshell. She is beautiful, refined, and delicate with her words. She would never hurt a fly, but she knows exactly how to get a wayward soul to pass over.

Jessica, Elizabeth, and Zakary all have very different personalities. Jessica is the foundation of the group; she is the rock that Elizabeth and Zakary turn to when there are questions or issues. Jessica is the one that originally had the idea to form JEZ Ghost Negotiators and to use their talents to HELP entities pass over instead of "hunt" them, and/or "banish" them, which Jessica feels is such a barbaric way to address the practice.

Jessica understands that most of the entities that people encounter are just souls that are misunderstood because they cannot fully or adequately communicate with the living. Additionally, many times, they are stuck and/or confused, do not know how to pass over, or are looking for something and are afraid to leave to pass over due to some trauma that may have happened to them while they were living.

The triplets have made it their mission to not only reach out and assist terrified mortals in their quest to live harmoniously in their environments, but also to assist the scared, lonely, misguided souls to cross over, or to understand why they are here.

Elizabeth and Zakary are the younger of the three triplets, Elizabeth by five minutes and Zakary by seven minutes; and of course, Jessica does not let them ever forget she is the oldest.

Their investigations take them all over and they are willing to help anyone that calls on them.

Now that you have met the triplets, let us see what they have in store for you in the following pages?

-------------------------------------------------- Forward ----------------------------------------------

It was 1890 and a lady and young girl, obviously mother and daughter, were walking down Main Street, hand in hand. The rain had been non-stop for five days, but this day it was a particularly heavy downpour; so much so, the roadway that was once dusty red clay, was now a slick mess of red puddles.

The lady held her black umbrella over her head as her daughter walked beside her, pulling on her arm and splashing in the red puddles every chance she got, soiling the hem of her skirt turn it a reddish pink. The young girl did not have a care in the world of the rain, mud, or the damage she was doing to her skirt, she was blissfully prancing around as though the world was a playground.

At one point, the young girl asked her mother if she could run across the street pointing to the drug store and buy some hard candy. The lady, hoping that the trip would expend some of the girl's pent up energy, permitted it and folded a couple of small coins into her grubby little hand. In a stern voice she told the child to be very careful and to watch for horses and buggies as she crossed the road; before he mother finished her sentence, off the little girl went across the red muddy road, skipping, making sure to jump with both feet into every puddle along the way, her wet mop of curly blond hair bouncing on her shoulders.

The lady looked after her until she made it across the wide expanse of Main Street, then continued to slowly walk down her side of Main Street, looking in the windows of the shops as rain pelted at the brim of her umbrella, she was just glad to be out of the house after so many days. After approximately ten minutes the lady noticed that the rain began to come down a little harder and she glanced across the street to see if the little girl was finished with her candy shopping.

To her horror, she saw the little girl running across the red muddy road; in front of the little girl there was an area of the red muddy dirt road that had washed out and a large sinkhole, with a river of rushing water, was in the road directly in the little girls' path. The child was at a full sprint, with a small bag in her hand, she had a broad toothy smile on her face and her boots and stockings were red and muddy.

The lady yelled for the little girl to stop, but the rain was coming down so hard that she did not hear her mother's warning. The child just kept running, jumping in every puddle, just as before. As the Lady watched helplessly, the young girl continued to run toward her at a full stride, one last jump and in a blink, the girl was gone. The lady dropped to her knees and SCREAMED

The Screaming Lady, A JEZ Ghost Negotiator MysteryWhere stories live. Discover now