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So, I was looking up TamashiiHiroka on Youtube (One of my favorite Youtubers <3) on my phone. Since I had looked her up before, she was there. So, I tried to tap her username. I even touched the name directly.

But, my phone thought I was trying to touch the name directly below her; Taylor Swift.

So, it looked up Taylor Swift. I tried to hit the search button (Which was pretty far from most of the videos) but it thought I meant tap on one of her videos.

I attempted to hit the search button again (Again, far away from the video) but my phone thought that I was touching the play video button.

I ended up just re-starting the Internet Explorer app. But still! This was as annoying as heck!

If you want another annoying phone story, here it is:

Whenever I am on my phone on Youtube, I scroll down. Everyone does, right? But, you wanna know what literally ALWAYS happens when I do this?

It takes me to my phone's home menu. I go back to the Internet Explorer, but it literally erased EVERYTHING I DID! So, I have to re look up Youtube and dig to find the video I was watching. EVERY. SINGLE. TIME.

Like, seriously? I like my phone, but sometimes it can be really annoying.

Oh, and don't even get me STARTED on all of the Dungeon Gems notifications. -_-

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